Make YOUR first $1,000 trading cryptocurrencies and never look back!

in #steempress6 years ago (edited)

I'm sure you've heard of cryptocurrencies before, in fact I'd be willing to bet that you're great uncle Jimbo was buying "boatloads" last December. Ask him how that worked out for him. You see, many folks, including myself before I became educated view crypto as some scammy, illegal, risky investment. When a no-coiner, yeah this is what they call people who hold 0 Bitcoin, hears about crypto the initial reaction is almost never good.

There is one thing that I know though. People have made millions and lost millions in these dangerously volatile markets. I've been a part of the monstrous 2017 rally, I mean it was insane. The profits I raked in were one of a kind and skills along the way, so much so that I have been able to teach trading along the way throughout this bear market of 2018.

I leveled up financially in a few hard working months

But, it wasn't always this easy. The journey of the trader is often a painful one, and let me tell you, mine was no different. The road to success wasn't always paved roads and maseratis, I've had my stumbles on the gravel.

Starting off trading was a bit difficult, in 2016 when the stock market was booming, crypto was trending a bit sideways and not doing too much. I was overleveraging myself on forex, trying to catch some extra pips everyday, missing out on the fundamentals on what takes a full trader to become a pro.

The losses hurt. The risk management was absent. The trading vision I had, was not even close to reality. All around, it was not an enjoyable time.

Then something clicked, almost like magic

Its like the lightbulb finally went off. Risk management. Emotional management. Everything came together. Imagine working so hard at something then it finally starts to work, consistently. And this "thing" is making you more money than you could even fathom.

Well, you can have that yourself, and miss out on all the BS I put myself through. Oh wait, I missed the biggest part of my short story.

I never got a mentor or a trainer. This cost me hours and hours of stress and time.

I, Mr. I can do this all myself, never thought about reaching out to someone in the field who already knows what they are doing. No, I didn't even make an effort. I just did my own thing, worked at what I wanted to and progressed day by day.


Had I gotten a mentor, even reached out for help from someone who would give me advice and information, signals and lessons every week, I would've been so much better off. Night and day.

So, what am I trying to do for you?

I want to be your source of information, help and mentorship. Shipping out a weekly newsletter packed with BOATLOADS of trading information, signals, lessons and teaching to help you get along with your own journey. In fact, check out some of the features below:

Recap of current price action of BTC, ETH, LTC and important sentiment indicators, metrics and catalysts
Cryptocurrency and Finance News
Technical Analysis Lesson of The Week, quick insight into great techniques and strategies used by our analysts and experts
Analysis of BTC, ETH, LTC with teaching and short term quantitatively based predictions, illustrating intricate risk management and trading techniques
Analysis of several equities and commodities with teaching and outlook
Analysis on forex pairs, including asymmetrical Risk-to-Reward signals
Crypto project of The Day, in-depth research and Fundamental Analysis
Quote of the day, meant to inspire and provoke intelligent thought
Entrepreneurial and self-made mindset advice and FREEDOM


It doesn't get much better than this. You're going to be learning from experts in crypto trading. A millionaire, engineering and programming guru. A systems trader who is getting ready to drop out and a trend trading genius with several 500% years under his belt.

Do Not Wait Any Longer, Get Started Today

If you check out the website we are selling the weekly newsletter at a premium.

$150 for a month. This is the lowest this has been since inception. We will be raising the price within a few weeks. Do not wait, go to our site and jump on this offer. Its not something you want to miss out on.

For a privy investment of $150, you will have what I was too stubborn to have: an experienced team of investors and traders who are willing to go all in to help you be the best you can be, and make the most money you can.

Get yourself subscribed and start making big bank TODAY.


Posted from my blog with SteemPress :

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.30
TRX 0.12
JST 0.032
BTC 60205.00
ETH 2994.41
USDT 1.00
SBD 3.90