Mirror,mirror on the Wall.

in #steempress6 years ago (edited)

When you look at the mirror.What do you see?. If the only thing you see is the image staring back at you ,then am sorry to tell you that you are short-sighted and have not realized the true potential of the mirror.


Today by the end of this post.It is my hope that your eyes would be opened to how the Mirror can unlock the greatness hidden deep within you when viewed correctly.To help me illustrate my point. I will share with you a story.


Mr James had just been released from maximum security prison for a crime he had not commited.He had been due to serve fifteen years behind bars but was released five years early for good behaviour.

He boarded a bus that would take him to town.All through the one hour and a half ride to town.He thought about what he would do now that he was a free man.He despaired that with his reputation as an ex-convict,he was going to find it extremely hard to get a job that would pay him enough money to provide for himself,his wife and his children.All of them had suffered and stood by him all through his years of incarceration.


He wanted to do right by them but he was afraid of going back home empty handed so he stayed back to look for a job.But with every passing day he grew even more depressed because no one was willing to employ him based on his history as an ex-convict.


Sitting down alone and dejected.He heard footsteps approach him.He looked up to see a man resplendently dressed in a fine tailored suit stop in front of him and said young man what seems to be the problem.

So Mr James pausing for a bit.To take a good measure of the man in fron of him.Began to narratein his life story up to that point which he did in great detail and how he felt that God and the world was against him.He then asked Mr Suit.If there was any way the man could help him.After listening attentively to James tell his story.The man we shall call Mr Suitreplied him by saying :

Am sorry i can't help you.
James hearing this looked down to the ground hopeless but the man continued:
"there is some one i know who can help you though.If you will follow me to that tailor's shop over there.I will introduce him to you."
James excited stood up ready to go.Joy plainly evident on his face at such an unexpected breakthrough.They made their way to the Tailor's shop.


The Man who was a regular customer here offered his greetings to the Finest suitmaker around then asked to speak with him privately,a request the tailor granted.After a few minutes in deep conversation. He returned with the tailor bringing along a suit that he had just made.

The man told James.We are of the same height and weight,so you should have no trouble fitting into the suit.James pleased with the offer took the suit and went to change into them.After which he stood in front of the mirror admiring himself scarce believing his good fortune that he had met a benevolent man.


While admiring himself in the mirror.He heard the Man say to him

The man staring back at you from the mirror,that's the man i wanted to introduce you to".That same man is the only one capable of changing your fate in life.If you can acquaint yourself well with him,nothing will be above your reach.


The man continued.Consider the Suit as a present .Go get yourself properly groomed and comport yourself well like a true gentlemen hold your head high and see yourself as a man on a mission.Jerry my tailor has promised to put you his employ.

I believe we are done here.If there is nothing else i can help you with.Then i be will be taking my leave.I hope the next time i see you that Jerry here will have nothing but good reports about you. James in tearful gratitude thanked Mr Suit for introducing him to himself and for leading him out of the dreary darkness that had formerly been his life into the new found light.

A year later.James graduated out of the employ of Jerry.A much changed, more confident,prosperous and useful man to himself,his family and the society at large.

The lesson i am trying to pass accross is this :

If you are still looking for that one person to change your life,take a look at the mirror.
Next time when you look at the mirror.Look at the limitless potential contained within you and believe in it so much that it becomes as real as the clothes,you are wearing on your person

Thanks for reading.Stay tuned for more awesome blogposts.Cheers

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://badmusgreene.xopus.io/?p=176


well done my dear friend, very nice article.

Loved this, thans for sharing.
I haven't been at my best, and quite frankly that extended to my looks. I became very close to one amazing lady who has turned out to be sister. Its unfortunate that we came to know each other during the down moments in my life.,and whenever we met, i'd look tired and just shabby.

One day i randomly sent her a photo of me all glammed up and in "my zone" and she screamed and said she wants that side of me back. That side of me is what would get us business deals and make people take us seriously. ..

She doesn't quite know it, but those words she said sank right in and made mw make a conscious decision to always look better if not best, regardless of how crappy i am feeling. Its been 2 weeka now and things dramatically have changed to thw better on my side, and i believe iut friend ship as well as i have given her a little snippet of that glamour side of me.

Nice.I am glad you found that side of you @purpletanzanite .Please keep it.We are responsible for our own happiness hence we should always find things that we enjoy doing.That make us come alive because that in itself is its own therapy.Depending on others to make us happy will leave us frustrated when they don't come through for us .Cultivating a happy mood is infectious and attracts both good people and great opportunities like your friend said.Cheers dear

This is an awesome response. Thank you so much for watering my spiriti... You are amazing.

Have a great day/night.


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