uLog #27 - Updates On The Baby, Life, and Trying New Things.

in #steempress6 years ago (edited)

Lately it seems like I spend more time on the bus than I do at home so I decided to make use of that time by crocheting. I finished the baby blanket and still finishing up the layette. I'm almost done but it's too intricate to knit on the bus.

Last winter I found a spool and a half of a beautiful orange crochet cotton at a local thrift store. I had no idea what it was for but it was vintage and needed to come home with me. A little goes a long way so I think I'll be able to make many things from this treasure, either crocheted or tatted. It's been quite some time since I've "flipped knots" or tatted.

First I crocheted on the bus:

Then I crocheted standing at the bus stop:

I discovered there are many more needleworkers out there than you realize..... and many of them are men. Several people started talking to me and that really made my transit time go fast. I hate waiting so crocheting at the bus stop was perfect. It seemed like only a few minutes had passed and the bus was there. In reality, it was probably about 20 minutes.

I don't think I'll try karaoke on the bus but I'm glad I tried something new. I've decided I need to try something new as often as possible and on this platform, there are MANY things to try.

Typing up your thoughts can sometimes inhibit what you want to express. Between sentence structure, spelling and forgetting where you were going with that thought it can be befuddling and can really put a damper on things at times so I've decided to start a podcast. I'm not sure what it will become but right now it's my uLog! Don't worry, it's audio only so you can listen while you do other things.

This uLog is about what's been happening with the long labor of @dezziQ and some other thoughts about life. There's even a "face plant" moment! Just click on the anchor.fm link!


That's all I have for now folks. I'm currently supposed to be cleaning my house and making popsicles etc to be ready for the boys' visit. They are coming tonight after dinner because MOM has had ENOUGH of this three-week-long labor.

Until next time friends...

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://artemisnorth.com/ulog-27-updates-on-the-baby-life-and-trying-new-things/

happy new year? did you really say that? ... that was a test that i was listening eh?

I did say it! Why should "Happy New Year" be reserved for on day of the year .....when you think about it every day is a New Year. It's my world and I'll live in it. LOL!!!

well put .. every day is a new start if we want it

Karaoke on the bus is a good way to get thrown off the bus! :) I've never tried knitting or crocheting, did do a few hooked rugs though!

A hooker! Very nice.... hooking rugs is relaxing. Years ago I had a big rug almost done and stupidly packed it in a box and put it in the basement of our house in Haliburton. Darn deer rats got into it and it was destroyed! Won't do that again.

That is a great idea, to work on your needlework on the bus and at bus stops! Good way to fill in the idle time! That is a beautiful color yarn, definitely! Awesome find! 😊

Your Podcast was GREAT and YOU are GREAT and now I have to kick your ass for the last remarks you made on your podcast!!!!!!!!!

Sore butt! LOL!! Nice hand! Love ya!

Here is a suggestion:

Write a post about your Podcast on anchor.fm

Darwinism, seriously?

One can tell that you enjoyed Lord of the flies!

I'm a moderate Darwinist....LOL! Lord of the Flies wasn't my fave read. Do you mean write a post for Steemit? or is there somewhere on Anchor.fm? Little slow today...LOL..

On steemit and put a link to your podcast.

Slow, if anyone is going to be slow today it's @snook, with no sleep and the need to steem, she is definitely going to be a little "craby"!

but yeah, make a post, monetize it, why not!

I'll vote on it!

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