Emociones / Emotions

in #steempress6 years ago (edited)

Un saludos a todos, el siguiente relato fue inspirado por el arte digital de @xpilar, los invito a que visiten su blog. La imagen que motivó este relato es la siguiente.

Greetings to all, the following story was inspired by the digital art of @xpilar, I invite you to visit his blog. The picture that motivated this story is the following.

Fuente / Source


Nunca había sentido tal satisfacción en su vida, su desapego por la realidad parecía esfumarse por momentos, era una increíble emoción, sentía la endorfina correr por todo su cuerpo, erizando su piel y acelerando su respiración, la sensación era indescriptible.

Se alejó cuatro pasos para ver su creación, y vino a su mente sus días de guardería en Perseo 10, cuanto tiempo había pasado de eso, recordaba las largas horas de juegos e instrucciones de las nodrizas y el poco interés que para él, tenia todo aquello, no es que fuera malo en los estudios, por el contrario, siempre se destacó, incluso fue el primero de su grupo en ser asignado a la academia a los siete años, siempre se sintió atraído por la pintura y la escultura, más que un gusto académico sentía una extraña fascinación por aquello, era más un gusto visceral que intelectual.

Su formación como artista plástico fue corta, siempre se destacó tanto en arte digital como en diseño en 3D y construcción de fractales, pero también era muy hábil usando técnicas manuales, pintura, escultura, serigrafía, entre otras. Sin embargo, su notoria carrera en la academia y en su posterior actividad laboral, no revestía el mayor interés para él, simplemente no le importaba lo bien que le estuviera yendo ni lo exitoso que fuera, le era irrelevante. Sentía que su vida transcurría en automático, como si la viera desde afuera, como si no fuera él.

Se agachó y vio con agrado su creación, tal cantidad de tonalidades de verdes, rosa, rojo carmesí, amarillos, purpuras y el contraste con la coloración gris profunda de las rocas y el intenso azul del cielo, iluminado por el deslumbrante blanco de aquella estrella, le hizo pensar que definitivamente, venir a este mundo fue su mejor decisión, jamás pudo contemplar tal belleza en Perseo.

Ya empezaba a atardecer, a diferencia de Perseo, aquel agradable mundo tenia ciclos de día y noche, de unas dieciocho horas cada uno, los tonos naranja y rojo de la luz del ocaso, deba una, aun más hermosa coloración a su obra, a pesar de eso aquel paraje ya empezaba a aburrirlo, y su emoción comenzaba a desaparecer, la sensación era efímera, ahora debía decidir si esta extraña emoción pasajera, valía tanto esfuerzo, como para repetirla.

Se incorporó, recogió sus herramientas, se quitó el sobre todo plástico que cubría su ropa de las manchas, lo enrolló y guardó en el bolso con las herramientas, aquí en este hermoso sitio quedaría su creación secándose y haciéndose parte de la naturaleza de este mundo.

Dio un último vistazo a su trabajo y pensó que, si valía la pena el esfuerzo, debería repetir esta experiencia, por más complicada y engorrosa que fuera, el resultado por primera vez lo hacía sentirse satisfecho de algo hecho con sus manos, sentirse orgulloso.

Bruno se alejó, dando la espalda a la extraña pila, formada de las partes corporales de uno de los tantos ciervos traídos de Perseo, que poblaban los bosques de aquel planeta, había dedicado toda la tarde a destazar aquel enorme animal y reorganizar sus partes de una forma que le pareció más agradable a la vista en su torcida estética.

Mientras caminaba, pensaba que tal vez un ciervo no era lo mejor para expresarse, había formas más hermosas en la naturaleza que le podría permitir expresar mejor su arte, tendría que seguir experimentando hasta conseguir algo mejor, pero ya tenia algunas ideas de por dónde empezar.

Texto de @amart29 y arte digital de @xpilar, Marzo de 2019


He had never felt such satisfaction in his life, his detachment from reality seemed to vanish at times, it was an incredible emotion, he felt the endorphin running all over his body, ruffling his skin and accelerating his breathing, the feeling was indescribable.

Four steps away to see his creation, and came to mind his days of kindergarten in Perseus 10, how much time had passed that, he remembered the long hours of games and instructions of wet nurses and the little interest that for him, had everything On the contrary, he always stood out, he was even the first of his group to be assigned to the academy at the age of seven, he was always attracted to painting and sculpture, more than an academic taste felt a strange fascination for that, it was more a visceral than intellectual pleasure.

His training as a plastic artist was short, he always excelled in digital art as well as in 3D design and fractal construction, but he was also very skilled using manual techniques, painting, sculpture, silk screen printing, among others. However, his notorious career in the academy and in his later work, did not have the greatest interest for him, he simply did not care how good he was going or how successful it was, it was irrelevant. He felt that his life was happening automatically, as if he saw it from outside, as if it were not him.

He crouched down and saw his creation with pleasure, so many shades of green, pink, crimson red, yellow, purple and the contrast with the deep gray color of the rocks and the intense blue of the sky, illuminated by the dazzling white of that star , made him think that definitely, coming to this world was his best decision, he could never contemplate such beauty in Perseus

It was already dusk, unlike Perseus, that pleasant world had cycles of day and night, of about eighteen hours each, the orange and red tones of the light of the sunset, must one, even more beautiful coloring to his work, to Despite that, that place was beginning to bore him, and his emotion began to disappear, the feeling was ephemeral, now he had to decide if this strange transient emotion was worth so much effort, as to repeat it.

He got up, picked up his tools, took off the plastic envelope that covered his clothes from the stains, rolled it up and put it in his bag with the tools, here in this beautiful place his creation would be drying up and becoming part of the nature of this world .

He took one last look at his work and thought that, if it was worth the effort, he should repeat this experience, however complicated and cumbersome it was, the result for the first time made him feel satisfied with something done with his hands, feeling proud.

Bruno went away, turning his back on the strange pile, formed of the body parts of one of the many deer brought from Perseus, who inhabited the forests of that planet, had spent the whole afternoon cutting off that enormous animal and rearranging its parts. a form that seemed more pleasing to the eye in its twisted aesthetics.

While walking, I thought maybe a deer was not the best to express itself, there were more beautiful ways in nature that could allow him to express his art better, he would have to keep experimenting until he got something better, but he already had some ideas for where to start.

Text of @amart29 and digital art of @xpilar, March 2019

Sólo me queda agradecer a @xpilar por permitirme usar su arte digital en mi publicación y por motivarla. Muchas Gracias @xpilar

Gracias a todos por visitar mi publicación, espero sus comentario y agradezco su apoyo, hasta la próxima

I can only thank @xpilar for allowing me to use his digital art in my publication and for motivating my creation. Thank you very much @xpilar

Thank you all for visiting my publication, I hope your comments and I appreciate your support, until next time

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://materia-oscura.mipropia.com/2019/03/10/emociones-emotions/


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Nos llevas a otro mundo @amart29 😀

Que buen paseo nos has dado @amart29 Aprovecha la corriente porque dicen que se nos vuelve a ir otra vez, nos vemos en el camino.

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