12 Traits of Mediocrity… and 7 of High Performers! (What separates the humdrum from the humdinger?)

in #steempress6 years ago (edited)

This chap popped up again in my YouTube again this morning. In this vid Bedros Keuilian gives a run down of 12 traits of mediocrity, followed by 7 of high performers…

To recap:

12 traits of the mediocre…

  1. Lack of gratitude
  2. Gossiping
  3. Victim mindset
  4. Lack of personal responsibility
  5. Pessimistic mindset
  6. Making assumptions
  7. Negative (low tone) circle of influence
  8. Blame / scarcity mindset
  9. Limiting belief systems
  10. Poor / no communications
  11. Emotionally reactive
  12. Closed minded

7 traits of high performers…

  1. Optimistic
  2. Grateful
  3. Open to feedback
  4. Resourceful
  5. Resilient
  6. Constant growth
  7. Service driven
No need to expand on the lists here… watch the vid for more and I think they all speak for themselves. Sure, we've heard them before in various ways, but always worth a reminder ;).

And let's drop in 4 areas for a happy life…

  • Money
  • Meaning
  • Health
  • Relationships
Cool, cheers B, we'll give it a go!

~ Adam

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