Sneak Peek! Crowbar Crew Photo Shoot

Hey guys! Crowbarmama checking in from sunny California! We had a 20-hour road trip to get here, but it was well worth it as we've spent quality time with both sets of grandparents and some dear old friends!

One particular friend also happens to be an insanely talented photographer! I don't just mean her camera and editing skills. I mean her child management skills! It might help that she is also studying child development as her major and works at a preschool, but seriously, she can make the grumpiest old man smile and get the rowdiest children to do just what she wants!

Since we haven't been to our old hometown in three years, we figured it was time for a family photo shoot. We got the grandparents together and somehow all made it to the selected venue without any tears from the kids or the adults!

We also decided to play with my @Crowbarmama logo a bit and include the @crowbarkids. The kids were almost more excited than I was! Almost...

We met at a beautiful little winery in the Central Valley. It was hot and surprisingly more humid than usual, but our awesome photographer moved us along quickly and kept everyone smiling.

It's only been a couple days since our shoot, but I was sent a little teaser as a sneak peek and wanted to share it with you guys!

We really are a friendly bunch, but we've also been learning about healthy boundaries, so I like to think this photo ties in nicely with that lesson.

As much as I'm enjoying this trip, I'm also eager to get back home and back into our old routines, which includes more posting here! I've got tons of great raw material from the trip, just begging to be edited and shared with you!

I chose @Crowbarmama as a handle because I believe in doing the best you can with what you have on hand. The crowbar is a multi-purpose tool. You’ll notice my photography is a bit rough, my grammar is not the most polished, but as a homeschooling, homesteading mama of 4, if I waited to take my photos until the light was perfect or re-edited my posts a 5th time ( I shoot for 3 drafts), I would never get a post out!

Don’t sweat the small stuff, just Crowbar it!

If you like what you're reading, please upvote and subscribe! Also, I love feedback! Constructive criticism is one of the best ways to grow. I want to know what you think!



That has got to be the cutest mama and kid picture ever!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!! I love all of the personalities in one picture!! It’s so adorable how your daughters are looking up to their crowbar Mama and I love the poses of your sons!! And you Hot Mama 😍😍😍 you are looking great and ready to take on whatever comes your way!!!! 😄 Cute!!!!

Thank you for sharing this preview with us! I’m glad you all are enjoying your hometown with family! Looking forward to viewing your new raw material when you get back!!! 😉

Aw @crosheille, thanks so much! Yes, you can definitely tell who's the calm one and who's got the sass!! Haha!
As for me, I just channel my inner MamaBear, lol!

Thanks so much for stopping by! Can't wait to virtually meet baby #5!

You’re very welcome ~ 😊

Lol “inner MamaBear” Love It!! 😄

I’m looking forward to introducing her to you all!

Great photo lady. Fun stuff. Look who has his arm crossed. Little Rascal. Cali suits you all. Take care.

Haha! Yes, Snowgo is the best snuggler and sweetest Mama's boy, but he's got a very strong, healthy sense of self! My challenge as a mom is keeping my sanity and keeping him alive and well while not breaking that wild spirit!

Yes, Cali's in the blood! I love where I'm from. Just hate that the legislation has become so crazy there!!

Blessings my friend!

Nice photo and background story mama !
Thanks for sharing :) I am super excited of your "raw material" we can expect soon. I have to say: I miss you a bit :)

Thanks @tibfox! I feel a bit out of the loop right now, so I certainly am missing the connections I've made here. I sincerely appreciate that you got me into using Powerdirector! I'll always be grateful! 😁

Awesome fun! Love the picture!

Thanks! We did have fun, although this photo doesn't show it, but it's always fun to try on different hats and in this case different attitudes. Thanks so much for stopping by, mama. I really enjoyed your foraging post!

This is beyond precious! You have an adorable the Mr. skipped this shot huh? I love the crow bar, you are just too cute. I hope you have a wonderful time with family, a special time as the kids are at a great age. Love it, can't wait to see more pics!

Thank you! @guntotnhippie was there for the family shoot. He's very supportive of our Crowbar fun, but not as fond of being on that end of the camera. 😁 He even went to school for Special F/x makeup and has amazing skills, but prefers to see others being photographed rather than himself.

Yes, we are at very key times with the kids. There are changes that come each year, but 12, 8, 5 & 2 are each so fun and special. Of course, being siblings there are plenty of times where they argue, but I'm also so blessed to witness some truly beautiful moments between them. Thanks for the support!

That's my handsome hubby on the left. 😉

I wouldn't mess with you lot! lol

Dare I say it , but that photo has a very Iconic style. I hope it is pride of place on your mantle piece. So cool that they chose the poses.
Looking forward to seeing more

Haha! Thanks @jist! Yes, I think this photo will become a centerpiece on the family wall. They each had fun and took great pride in their choices. I'm still amazed there weren't any tears, tongues sticking out or bunny ears! Lol!

Love this photo! Y’all can pose!!

Haha! Thanks! Yes, the attitude and sass runs deep in this crew! I have NO idea where they get it! 🤣🤣

This has got to the most adorable pic I have seen on the net today! So cool. can't wait to see what you're creating and editing. Enjoy the rest of your break!

Looking awesome!! Love the pic and that you got that opportunity to relax and make memories!!! ❤️ look forward to the rest!

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