CrowbarMama on Crowbar-in' it!

When we made the decision to move to Idaho, our plan was to travel up the state in our travel trailer until we found a property to buy. My in-laws we're following behind in their truck and trailer. The plan was that they would stay with the kids while my hubby and I looked at properties and talked to realtors.

However, not 6 hours into the trip, tragedy struck when a semi-truck sped past my in-laws rig, creating a suction-like wind that started to pull the trailer. A slight over correction and that trailer swing around 180 degrees and their truck rolled several times and ended upright, in the grass. Luckily they both walked away with just a few cracked ribs and some bruises.

This set us back several hours since we wanted to stay with them to make sure they were ok band until were settled and had a ride back to California. We had planned to get through the desert before the blistering temperatures, instead, we were out in 115 degree weather with an air conditioner that was not performing at full capacity. We placed wet bandannas on the kids to keep them cool and we powered through. When we got to Idaho, we just brought the kids with us everywhere we went. It was crazy and hectic at times, but we did what we needed to do.

Now we're getting ready for a road trip back to California and we are actually insulating the truck as well as having the Air Conditioner looked at to make sure it's in tip top shape.

Have you had to make adjustments on a large trip? How did it go for you?

I chose @Crowbarmama as a handle because I believe in doing the best you can with what you have on hand. The crowbar is a multi-purpose tool. You’ll notice my photography is a bit rough, my grammar is not the most polished, but as a homeschooling, homesteading mama of 4, if I waited to take my photos until the light was perfect or re-edited my posts a 5th time ( I shoot for 3 drafts), I would never get a post out!

Don’t sweat the small stuff, just Crowbar it!

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▶️ DTube

My daughter and I were traveling to Minnesota from Idaho, for a wedding. Her car was a bit newer than mine, and seemed to be more trustworthy, so we opted to take hers. But it died several miles east of Missoula, MT. She called her husband, and we tried the tricks he suggested, and got it going again. We turned around and returned to Missoula. The car died again just as we reached the off-ramp we wanted, so she just coasted to the bottom and pulled over as best she could. Some people stopped later and helped push the car out of the way. We called AAA, but they were taking forever to get there, so she managed to start the car one more time and we drove it to the shop where we could leave it and get it fixed. We called a taxi to take us to the airport, where we rented a car. Drove back to the shop, loaded our stuff into the rental car, and were on our way. We didn't get as far as we had planned that day, needless to say! But we loved the rental car, and didn't need to worry about any more breakdowns!

Man! I bet that was stressful!

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