Ulog #1: Day One of Freedom from the Corporate World

in #steemph6 years ago (edited)

Today marks the first day of my freedom from the corporate world. I have completed the 30-day rendering period and now here I am, at home. And my first order of business: cover the books I have ignored for the longest time.

Picachu wants to make sure I finish covering the books today

Whenever I buy books I usually cover them right away. But for some reason, these books were left coverless. Nah, it's not for some reason, it's my laziness. Or maybe I've been busy with other things. Or maybe I'm just making an excuse.

But it's a good thing I've covered them now. I won't have that nagging guilty feeling inside me anymore. I just feel bad whenever I look at my bookshelf amd see my coverless books. It all roots back from the kind of books I read whe I was young.

I studied in public schools from prep until college. And when you study in a public school here in the Philippines, you experience having to use books that have been used by the previous batch. And the books that you used will then be used by the next school year's batch. Who knows how many school years ago the book you're using now was published. If you're lucky, you might experience reading new textbooks if a sponsor donates textbooks to your school.

Back in the day, I had to endure having to work with nearly disintegrated textbooks. Books you won't even recognize the title or the author because the cover almost already torn apart. I almost want to ask if the previous batch had mice for pets at home because the corners of the pages aren't corners anymore. Sometimes the corners look like they've been used for origami or something.

Which is why seeing a book with no cover and/or folded corners became one of my pet peeves. So whenever I buy new books, I cover them right away. To me, these books are treasures you need to take care of. They carried me to different places and gave me joy and sorrow and excitement and all other emotions I could never name while reading them, that's why I owe it to them to take good care of them. And besides, trees were sacrificed just to make them. I want to give thanks to the trees by making sure thair sacrifice was well worth it.

Thank you for visiting my blog!


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Covering books ... is sort of therapeutic for me haha. It has a calming effect but I don't buy books often now so I rarely have anything to cover. Congrats on your new-found freedom!

I know, right! I love the smell of new books and I feel like if I cover them, I might be able to preserve their smell. LOL!

I just bought new books the other week. I might have a lot of spare time for reading now. I have Anne Rice and Neil Gaiman on my line up right now. ♡♡♡

Ohhhh my freaking goshhhh! Is this for real! Wow!

Yes it is! Haha. Nakakapanobago but it's the good kind of nakakapanibago. Hahaha

Well may mga stages yan, pero you will love the changes talaga. Don't forget to dress up still kasi ako pag andyan lang si Mama at Papa mukhang tao ako pag wala balik taong lobo. LOL. Ano kaya next move ni @romeskie? Abangan ang susunod na kabanta!

Parang gusto ko ngang magpagupit ng hair. Yung gupit nanay. Hahaha. Pero saka ko na isipin muna.. hahaha

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