A quick memo to Filipino Steemers...steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemph7 years ago

Whenever I sponsor, or host events... The absolute number 1 question Filipinos ask me, is;

"How do I get money off Steemit".

Now, this may sound harsh... But as many of you know me, I do not mince words.

The answer is simple... Why are you asking about money, when you have yet to contribute in a positive way? Most of the people that are asking me this question, either haven't posted a single blog or aren't putting in any effort to make Steemit a better place.

These are the same people, that leave a comment seconds after a well thought out blog, saying something plain, and tacky like "Thanks for sharing", "Interesting read". And these are the same people wondering why they aren't getting upvotes, and recognition for their lazily crafted blogs/comments.

I understand that here in the Philippines, times are rough for many. Some blogs here earn more in one post... Than some Filipino families earn in a YEAR. However, without Steemit... How would you have made money if you needed it so badly?

Please consider, that by taking money off of Steemit, before you can grow your wallet... You are stunting your future earnings potential. By turning your Steem and SBD into Steempower, you will earn yourself a whole lot more in the future... Than you will benefit in the short-term.

Invest in yourself now, and you will reap the rewards 10x in the future.

I still love all you Filipinos, I just want you to succeed, and stop crippling yourselves.

As for me, I can promise, that you will never see me taking Steem off this platform, until I can sustainably support the community, and myself. The absolute most important reason I keep reinvesting my Steem and SBD, is to increase my upvote... So I can give back to the community. Can you help me?





@purepinay yes your absolutely right. i give you my thumbs of up vote.

thats why i create also an interesting article to boost up our fellow Filipinos ,to gain more confidence to them selves .. i will support you in this advocacy, to help our "kababayan filipinos" to progress on this community..lets help each other and serve one another, as the lord Jesus Christ tell us to do..
let's us be united , for instance Indonesia and k.r people help each other to make thier

countries right on top threads base of tag line on steemit. .^_^,

we will make our #Philippines great again...May the lord be with us on this journey...



this i want to share my article to help them also.including proper procedure to post their article to tell the message on everyone here @ the community with the voice load and clear.
as stated below;


go go #Philippines steem power up to you guys.,,

that's why you and I are friends remember? hahaha

You have been one my loyal readers. I really want to support every community here just like you but I need to work on my followers and my reputation, I need to teach my leaders.. once they're all ready, I don't have to drag myself all over the place.

am so proud of you!!! thank you for your time, I will visit you again soon. I want to discuss some important stuff with you.

I really appreciate everything that you have contributed... btw, I'd like you to meet my team very soon... I have few leaders, I just need time to talk to them... I have been very busy with stuff, I will discuss this with you through email. how do I contact you? I do not go to any chat rooms btw... it takes away my time from steemit ^_-

yup we are friends, i always love your article post..hmmn,may i join on your team?

Well done! You can not repeat this to often!

Just hold your steem together and grow up to 4800 steempower then you become a dolphin and the fun goes to the next round!

can I cry again? hahaha

I really want to haha because I am so happy that there a lot of loving people who really cares about me... I know @sunnylife is also busy, we have been very busy.... I think you know why, you understand better... once I have my skyscraper I will resign hahaha!

How are you? I hope I have all the time in the world, btw I have a lot of stories to tell you. I can't even wait!! I can't see all your msgs now, I can barely keep up with reading and leaving comments and replies and talking to my teams and leaders! This is so overwelming @sunnylife will give you some updates ^_-

I really miss chatting with you! =( thank you for always being here... you always pick me up at my lowest point!! how I want to tell my story to steemit, everything that me and @sunnylife went through lol but we are still having fun! hahaha thank you to you and eveyone who shows love!!! I am so grateful.

I want you to meet my other friends, I will tell you more about them soon...

how have you been though? I will check visit you today... I'll just finish my conference meeting... pls stay in touch!!

I'll talk to you soon!


@purepinay is right. Why would you take out something that will help you earn more. If you keep your steem or sbd and convert all to Steem Power you will be increasing you voting power which you can use to upvote your own posts and to help others in upvoting them.

However, I can offer an alternative to make it easier for other Filipinos to withdraw their SBD from steemit with no fees. Terms and conditions apply.

I have thought about this to motivate more people to stay and to join steemit. As we know lots of Filipinos thinking steemit can become one of ther source of income. And if they can't see it on their hands they might start turning away or getting lazy especially if they are only getting little and still can't get it out.

Let me know if this is a wrong approach by me and I will not go for it.
This is only for Filipinos.

Thanks for your comment. What proposition did you have in mind? I have already been offering my friends to pay them in Pesos for their Steem and SBD, since I know it will increase in value. Short-term, I can see Steem hitting $3, which is 100% from where it is today. So, I will gladly pay them market rate today :)

I am following you now!


i just promoting your post..kindly see it here-please click it here

The same thing as what you are doing. I do it with lower rate to protect my self on the fluctuation of the prices which can suddenly change in an instant. And because I have to cash it out to use it for the same purpose.
The only advantage for others is that they can cash out their SBD or Steem even if they only have 1 SBD or Steem.
I will only change SBD or Steem from minnows and lower accounts. If someone send me sbd to change and I see their account have plenty sbd or steem which means they can afford to go through exchanges I will return their sbd or steem back with a note "you can clearly afford fees for exchange, please use an exchange to convert your SBD or steem."

I'm into steemit for the community but I would be lying if I said I dont want to make money out of it. :) interested and followed you!

thank you @ralf5793... followed back! I'll see ya around ^_-

I reset my folowing list.. I have to make sure I am following the active steemit members! I am working on bringing my leaders and some members back from the graveyard! lol

You said it all
There is no easy way to success
Most people are excited about the successful ones here but cant do half of what this people do.
Hardwork and focus have never known to fail.

Also the fault could be from what they were told about steemit before joining ,lets make sure we guide and inform people well

Well said. It is a struggle to guide and inform them, as this whole space is extremely difficult to understand... Let alone explain :)


I delegate almost all my steem to the minnow project. I run a contest to give back to followers.

The best is to not sugar coat your words when giving advice. It won't do them any good.

Steem is my retirement plan. I will take out when it's over the moon. I wish you success in your endeavors....

That is admirable of you, and I respect that.

Personally, I don't delegate since I am active, and would like to be more selective in who I help. One day, when my account value is enough... I would love to do what you do, contests and all. :)


I am actually tempted to sell my other cryptos to dump it all in to steemit. I might just do that pick what I really want to invest in and just put it in that... Steemit have potential, beginner bloggers like me and others have difficulty breaking the barriers to get paid... I think I only got paid $1 for 2 months...just had a look at my google adsense and 1 of my add got disabled due to "violation of policy" haha.

well, i have 3 that i am dumping my dollars so far.. others are just small long term investments. which i'm not gona put in anymore.

i'm gona start pumping my steem after my holidays.. need cash at the moment..

This depends on how much faith you have on steem/steemit. Most of my friends are predicting it becoming $4. Depends on our needs when that will happen, some people's stake is long-term.
The highest steem for me was $2.93...i didn't power down as i didn't need the money.

too right, depends entirely on our situation at the time. Be it $4 or $20, I won't power down after 10 years. I believe it will be worth a lot more then.. But of course, that's just speculation.

It's a fact the the Philippines is one of the top countries that uses the social media nowadays, and the number of Pinoys in here is what? .01% .001% .0001%
See how the platform is helping us now, then imagine it helping the majority of Filipinos nationally and worldwide...this is just one country..then how about the world?
Of course, steemit is the only kind for now. Unless another platform comes that's better?

i've always been thinking about that, if someone made something like steemit but simpler to use with better looking interface, that will be a game changer.

Agsarita ta jay discord.

I agree with your mindset about investing here in steemit. Eventhough we can earn really in short term and can get easily the money comming from SBD or Steem, investing right now and think about the future is a good step in order to get more rewards in the future. Soon i will do this but first i must contribute here in our community so that i have a value in the world of steemit.

By contributing to your friends, and to the community... They will give back to you also. Couple that with reinvesting in yourself, to grow your Steem Power, and it achieves a compounding effect. By growing your Steem Power/Wallet balance you will attract more followers that will leave more thoughtful comments, hoping to get some of your upvoting power... This will keep your account growing, allowing you to give and take more.


well said Gilaine! I agree with u totally. it's funny cuz i also found ur post an 'interesting read' and 'thanks for sharing'. :P

haha! Do you get those same comments? :P

sure do. or mostly they say like i follow u, u follow me.. but its funny cuz i do comment to ppl thanks for sharing a lot! :P but i really do mean it.. and thanks for commenting on my comment! :P


^^ Just Keep Steeming...

as always! we are are just getting stronger!

thank you for support, teach your leaders! I will talk to them after my online stuff! btw, don't forget to visit @sunnylife and Jassen.. Thanks! talk soon xoxo

Yes! Thanks to you! Ingats palagi..

@purepinay I agree with your mindset about investing here in steemit. Even though we can earn really in short term and i will do this but first i must contribute here in our community so that i have a value in the world of steemit.

Yes! By giving back, people will take notice... And you will get that ten-fold.

Actually, we will get ten times, not less or more

You said it all
There is no easy way to success
Most people are excited about the successful ones here but cant do half of what this people do.
Hardwork and focus have never known to fail.

Also the fault could be from what they were told about steemit before joining ,lets make sure we guide and inform people well

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