Say no to healthworkers shaming! Say no to doctors shaming! #SayNO

in #steemph6 years ago (edited)


Nowadays, we healthcare workers are easily judged by people who do not know how hard and difficult for us to work and stay active in the hospital just to give the best healthcare services our patients deserve. I just want everyone to realize that in our country (Philippines), hospitals do not have enough healthcare workers, especially doctors. But still, every healthcare team is trying and giving their best just to serve all the patients.

Can you imagine that? most of the doctors almost stay more half of their lives in the hospital just to do what their heart wants, and that is to make their patients bring back to life.


I know some of you have read news or articles about healthcare workers being bashed, especially doctors. Being in a situation wherein people misunderstood everything and say many bad things cause a big impact to all medical personnels. It can affect in all ways. It can make a healthcare worker lose the passion to serve.

There’s a recent news about doctors in a hospital, (I won’t mention any specific hospital) wherein a patient took a video of the doctors while sleeping and posted it on social media without the consent of the healthcare professionals. Of course, it went viral and generated many negative comments, that brought negative thinking about healthcare workers. It was unfair because privacy was not given. All of the medical professionals protect every private details of their patients, aside from patient’s confidentiality is an important factor in medical field, it’s a way of showing moral respect to the all patients, and i hope patients and relatives also think that way. All healthcare workers also deserve privacy and confidentiality.


Some patients and relatives do not know how doctors sacrificed a lot just to give them a quality service. Doctors, nurses, medtechs, radtechs and all other healthcare professionals sacrificed their personal time just to serve their patients. Doctors studied MANY YEARS just to get that MD, and treat those who are sick. Healthcare workers have no holidays. Healthcare workers missed many family gatherings.It’s an endless sacrifice that can’t be seen and understand by most of the people.

But still, it’s our heart’s choice to be in a medical field. We just want to be understood and be respected.


My explanation on my side about the issue is that, healthcare workers are really lacking of sleep, especially if it’s a 24hr duty. Doctors in our country are overworked but underpaid. If there’s a time that they can take a rest, everyone grabs it. Honestly, I also do that. If there’s no patients, i take a nap. Healthcare workers are also humans. We also get tired.

There’s a popular line,

“Think before you click!”😊😊😊


Thankyou for reading my post! Any thoughts?

All photos are grabbed on google.



There are lots of people who don't understand the life that Healthworkers have.
Doctors for example, many believe that Doctors have an easy lifestyle, but no, can you imagine how hard for them to see their long-time patient die?
For nurses, some call them nannies, they studied 4 years, took some affiliations, exams, volunteered, need some updates after few years, they spend a lot of money for those stuffs and yet they are not compensated well in our country.
I'm not a health-worker, but I know lots of them, they don't deserve to be mistreated. I definitely say no shaming them just for taking a nap, they're just humans

I agree with everything you’ve said sir! 👍🏻 i just hope every healthcare worker here in our country will be well compensated.

I agree! There are just entitled people who think that you don’t have you own lives to live as if it’s your fault to not be able to attend to other patients due to lack of doctors and sleep as well.

Don’t let those stop you from doing what you’re doing now. Focus lang para mas makatulong pa sa iba. Though sobrang unfair talaga

Truth sir! Focus sa job. Ignore every negative comment. 😊

I agree be! Taking photos of personnels in the hosp should be banned for their privacy. Kawawa naman yung mga straight shift na nagccatch up na nga lang sa tulog nabbash pa.

Totoo be. Naidlip lang nabash agad. It’s just sad that people who are not aware about hospitals who are understaffed are the ones who still have the courage to bash healthcare workers. I hope they have knowledge of the system in our hospital before saying or posting anything.

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