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RE: A Day of Hug & Love with Art & Music | A #SteemPH Outreach & Steemit Promotion Event

in #steemph7 years ago

You did well for me. :) Four minutes video lang po pala un. I felt it was longer than that. lol

If there can be a standard way of presenting or introducing Steemit, I think it will be a big help.

For me, the most difficult part for me when I tried to introduce it was explaining something about cryptocurrency. Just like what you did in the video, I used 'bitcoin' as an example. As not everyone (?) is not yet familiar with the word 'cryptocurrency.' I'm not sure, just my feeling.


You don't really need to speak about crypto.

That's a challenge.

'it rewards your post with Steem. Steem is a cryptocurrency like bitcoin. have you heard about bitcoin?' is usually the script i use.

Yes, but it is very easy to skip that till they are here. Plus, alot has more to do with your own standing. So sometimes, it is essential to climb the ladders and pace things appropriately, so you can have true influence and your words become just enough. In the Philippines though, that is really difficult, so perhaps, they listen to someone who looks like a non-filipino more. Race or looks matter less if you grasp my point. For something like this, you can simply take ownership. Tell them not to worry about earnings for you will see to it that they get their earnings or skip the earning altogether and let them join because you are here. Like i said again, in Ph is more difficult, for many deep reasons

Yes, I think I understand. Have them join for reasons other than the rewards.

Plus standing, ownership, and pacing.

Standing - having a 'social standing' will have them join by me just being here.
Ownership - take responsibility for not mentioning the 'cryptocurrency'.
Pacing - have them join first and then explain it piece by piece after they've joined.

Thanks Terry.

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