Effects of the Improper Waste Disposal and solution to waste Disposal problem

in #steempeak4 years ago

Improper waste disposal may cause foul odor,unsightly surroundings, diseases and pollution of air, soil and water. It also provides breeding grounds for flies, mosquitoes and other insects. It invites rats and other disease-causing organisms. Improperly disposed wastes also pose as fire hazards. They also clog rivers, canals, stream and creeks that cause floods during rainy days.
source: change.org

  1. Accumulation of solid wastes has lead to the insufficient dumping sites for these garbage's.
  2. Wastes that accumulates along the streets and vacant lots and have unpleasant odor.Wastes make the place unsightly thus becoming a nuisance to the people passing by.
  3. Uncollected garbage that are not properly stored decay and become breeding places of flies, cockroaches and other pests.
  4. Flies, cockroaches and other pest that frequent garbage are carriers of diseases-causing germs.
  5. Improperly disposed garbage causes diseases and Illness such as cholera, anthrax, fever, dysentery, parasitism, typhoid fever.
    source: buglord.com

The growing problem of improper waste disposal and its ill effects on the health of the people is becoming alarming. The government, as well as the private agencies and organizations, have joined together to seek a solution to the problem. Laws and ordinances prohibiting improper disposal of wastes in rivers, streams, canals and vacant lots are being implemented. Projects such like 'CLEAN AND GREEN' , programs on cleanliness, beautification and greening of the environment are being undertaken by the government and non government sectors.images.jpg
source: 123rf.com

Seminars on proper garbage management are offered to the barangay officials and health workers. Concepts about healthy, clean and safe environment are included in the elementary and high school curriculum.

One of the alternatives for solid waste disposal is Recycling. If recycling is implemented properly by every member of the family and community, it can creates various benefits. Recycling aims to control the accumulation of wastes, conserve natural resources, provide livelihood income for the community, prevent air, water, and soil pollution and conserve energy. Similar projects like garbology and zero waste management had been launched by the government through the Department of Education. These three projects operate on one and the same objective- to solve the garbage problem.
source: wikipedia.org

The important principle emphasized in recycling, garbology and zero waste management is the proper segregation of the solid wastes by every member of the family, community and school. The success of the program lies on the cooperation and concerted effort of everybody. There is a need for separate containers or receptacles for biodegradable wastes, such as leftover foods, kitchen wastes, like fish washings, fruit and vegetables peelings, internal organs of chicken, fish etc. These kinds of wastes be used as animal feeds, materials for compost pit, compost can and compost shed. Biodegradable wastes are also good sources of methane gas, which is used as fuel for cooking.

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