FEAR OF CONSEQUENCE (Governance Discussion)

in #steempeak5 years ago (edited)

Greetings Steemians,

We're going to talk about politics in a not so political way.

Let's start with you, the reader.

I want you to ask yourself a question.

Am I operating in alignment with my moral compass?

I expect at least 90 percent of people reading this will say yes without a second thought.

I'll make this a little easier, and tell you that I am not... With a real life example (this actually happened) to help with perspective.

Some months back I heard a woman beneath my feet being beaten, and screaming for her life. My first instinct was to help her. Without even thinking I grabbed a butcher knife and started moving towards my door.

In this moment, I was acting within alignment to my moral compass.

But then a thought.....fear...

"If I do this, I will have to face the consequences of my action(s)."

A thought which stripped me of my morals immediately, and I called the police, knowing full well the woman might die because of my inaction.

Fear Based System

How could it be that a single cognition could remove my willingness to act?

The answer is very simple. I knew that what was likely to happen would result in a life sentence for me. That is all it took to make influence me do what I felt was NOT the right thing.

You see, justice is blind for a reason. Who, what, where, when, how, not WHY..Never why, and I know, because I've been a defendant on more than one occasion. Hard to defend yourself when the why doesn't matter, only the law.. You violate the penal code, it does not matter if you were acting in accordance to your morals. You broke (Hue-man made) law, end of story.

So ask yourself what you would do in this situation. Ask yourself what the correct action would be in this scenario, and please allow me to support whatever it is you are thinking.

You see, you cannot operate within your moral compass, if you are making decisions based on fear of consequence. Or maybe better put, if your choices are dictated by the rule of written law, then you are not operating within your moral compass.

I can imagine some thoughts...

"So, remove the system, law, the order we make out of this chaos, and this crazy dude thinks everything will be ok? What about the murderers, the rapists, the terrorists, the people who do bad things. We should just give everyone the right to do whatever they want?"

You're never going to define what good/evil is without the presence of both, and if you take a look at many of the "crimes" committed today, you will notice that many happen because of the scarcity mindset, competition based thinking, need for resources that are mostly made up constructs. Maybe reading one of my short stories will help explain how things such as "money" are nothing more than "agreement" based concepts, most of which are programmed at a subconscious level.

The truth is, the crimes things we think are bad, would happen less often if we did not operate with government.

We're fast approaching a type of governance that I imagine humanity is not going to like, and it's being done in a way which plays on our wants and desires.(Which are programmed into us.)

If you're still reading, then I guess I captured your attention. I suggest doing a bit of research on 5G, and what this could potentially mean for us. Consider how this is being rolled out, and why it is being rolled out. Please, ask yourself if this is what YOU want. Fuck what your neighbor wants... This is about YOUR moral compass.

Would you let someone die in front of your eyes if you could save them, for fear of the consequence?

If the answer is "Well, yes because I don't have much of a choice", then good.... Obviously you are thinking in a way which suggests that maybe you actually do have some control/say in this, because you really do. You all do.

I tell people how easily we could dismantle the system, and oftentimes people laugh. In my mind they just don't get it...

When I say:

Collective non-compliance

The general response is:

"The cops will come get me, I'll lose my job, I won't be able to pay my rent."


What is it about that word collective that is so hard to grasp!?

There will be no police, there will be no rent, there will be no SYSTEM/GOVERNMENT. And just maybe you and your neighbor that you hate (for whatever reason/disagreement/political view, ect) will become friends and work together for a common goal.

Fear of not knowing what we will do, how we will live, how we will BE, is exactly what keeps this system going. (and by design of course) The root of it all is in the classroom, while you're busy on the hamster wheel, and your child is being indoctrinated into a fear based system of dogmatic language confusion.

Of course this is a fear, because we have not been taught what we need to know. History cannot be proven/substantiated in many respects, and human beings become conditioned to "believing" whatever is taught to them. Just look at how it's done, look at how children are stripped of imagination and told they are wrong, told to conform, drugged up with medications poisons which destroy frontal lobe development. (Go look that up for yourself, please don't believe a damn thing I say.)

I've been listening to @maxigan's podcasts for some time now, and I think the man does an excellent job with explaining these concepts. If you can spare the time, perhaps you will learn/deprogram yourself a bit, and change perspective.

He was a guest recently on Canadian Peoples Union Freedom 2017
with Nicole Lebrasseur.

The world I was born into did not have SMART (surveillance monitoring analysis reporting technology) phones.

It's easy for me to see how we don't need them, but it may be difficult for a person born into a world which has them.

This global surveillance system that is underway relies on SMART tech.

So, that device that you need, may come with a bigger price. This is completely dismissing the health concerns of electromagnetic radiation. Personally, I am less worried about cancer and more worried about what this means for our freedom.

We all have a moral responsibility here, and the choice to not act, is still a choice.

Is where we are heading the world you want to see for your children and grandchildren? Is the world we currently live in even the world you want to see for them?

We can only turn a blind eye for so long. Meanwhile, loss of life still continues because of legislation, people are starving right now, people are homeless right now, people cannot get health care right now. Humanity is suffering, because of the fear of consequence, and lack of accountability. That accountability lies on the shoulders of each and every one of us.

Get some good karma into your life, vote good-karma for witness!
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This is the power of psychology... You can manipulate and control anyone given you know how. Own survival is a human's first priority, so for most of the times moral isn't even taken into account. I consider myself as a pretty "okay" person when it comes to moral application, but then... We'll skip the dark parts.

(It's not that dark but still.)

Legislation exists for the logic of legalism, in which, ideally speaking, order can be present with strict laws that control the people under it. This of course uses the assumption that the order that the government wants is for the good, but moral of the people will fall into the case in which you said...

It's the problem of humans in the end. Let's say that we are all cats, this post would've even existed :P as someone once said, we're cursed...

Thank you for your insight @lilacse,

It's always nice to see you friend :)

My perspective is very much in line with yours, and I think (only my opinion) that a person who's able to look at all aspects of themselves, be it good/bad/indifferent without judgement against oneself, is a sign of moral maturity, or at the very least, a decent human being.

Legislation exists for the logic of legalism, in which, ideally speaking, order can be present with strict laws that control the people under it.

Sure, just look at licensing. I find it kind of wild that people don't address this much, but think about it. It's illegal to do many things without a "license", so essentially, a license is permission to break the law! But I don't think many think about it like this. Since I'm on the topic of licensing, it's a great example of this control. Why should you not be able to get in a car in drive without a license? I was able to drive tanks in the military with no license as an 18 year old who had never even driven a vehicle prior, and this was driving as a government employee. Also kind of shocking and kind of a double standard (even though tanks are not civilian vehicles, it's still operation of a motor vehicle.)

It's the problem of humans in the end. Let's say that we are all cats, this post would've even existed :P as someone once said, we're cursed...

Yeah, I was just thinking the other day, I wouldn't mind being a dog or a cat or something... lol

i agree, and i dont. i dont think having no laws will make people hurt other people less. some people just like hurting people and getting away with things. it gives them a sense of power. i think the thing that will stop crime is more equality, and more respect. and sure a few less laws, some are pretty assinine. but the laws that protect hate crimes? what if you were a gay man living in a southern gun toting state? what would the removal of that law bring about? it would allow every crazy bigot to gun you down without consequence, because people would not want to risk themselves. how about the laws that protect women, minorities, kids? would everyone need to walk about with a gun? because i think thats an assinine way to live, always in fear of the stranger.

I think these types would be taken care of by the collective "good" in people. As mentioned here:

Some months back I heard a woman beneath my feet being beaten, and screaming for her life. My first instinct was to help her. Without even thinking I grabbed a butcher knife and started moving towards my door.
In this moment, I was acting within alignment to my moral compass.
But then a thought.....fear...
"If I do this, I will have to face the consequences of my action(s)."

If I was able to protect her (in accordance with my morals) , then there might be one less person around to hurt women..

Thank you for your thoughts @torico

Moral > Law

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