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RE: @Steemonboarding: The Marketing Tool for the Steem Blockchain You have Been Waiting For

in #steemonboarding6 years ago (edited)

Hello @steemonboarding I was very excited to read about your plans to 'Bring Steem to the masses with a concise marketing strategy," and I applaud you for the time, energy and passion you have invested to bring it to this phase. I'm also greatly encouraged to see the tremendous support garnered and willingly given to date, and I wish you every success with your vision.

Your website is EXACTLY what is needed for new steemians, as it certainly is an uncharted maze of confusing and sometimes conflicting opinions when one first wades into this great platform of potential. Your strategies will enable people to position themselves well, by building strong, individual foundations for themselves whilst, achieving similar results on a collective level.

I love the sound of the 2 minute video tutorials and the fact that they will be available in multiple languages is fantastic. 'Long Term Thinking,' is the key!!!!!! And if that can be ingrained in the minds of new (and old) steemians, the possibilities are immeasurable..........and admittedly, beyond my present comprehension.

Thank you for your dedication, initiatve and drive. (U & R )


It will be a job for everyone! We provide the tools, the community uses the tool to bring the newbies, and we onboard them! It´s a community effort! Thank you so much for your kind words.

This comment was so wholesome, I didn´t know you, but now I´m following you, just because of this comment, Thank you!

Many thanks for your reply and the kind 'Follow' @anomadsoul It is lovely to meet you. I was drawn to your blog because of the positivity and vision you possess towards the future of steemit. Forward thinking........and more importantly, planning through to acting on those plans shows to me that you are prepared to, not just talk good ideas but to implememt them also.

It shows real confidence and we all need to hear that to help keep us motivated because it is not always easy to put the time and effort in somedays to do what is required to be successful. I'm not knowledgeable about cryptocurrency but I do believe it is the way of the future. After becoming addicted to sleeping pills and anti-depressants for many years due to chronic insomnia, I found the strength to complete rehab from home and as the fog lifts, the real me is slowly re-emerging and I'm enjoying life once more and allowing the creative part of myself to make up for the lost years.

So, steemit is valuable to me for different reasons than perhaps others but I'm always going to support those who want to build a strong community (within my capabilities.......and as time and energy allows) and am encouraged when I see people willing to help others fulfil their dreams too. I wish you and your team every success.

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