What Oceans Do Those Powerful Steemit Whales Explore These Days? Steem On!

in #steemon7 years ago (edited)

I really loved this meme but my apology because I am not sure where I found it.

There are many more questions for "Mamma" in my mind about our @steemit future but one thing I know for sure.

I will NOT give up on STEEM and keep on powering up most of the time. Am I right? I don't know!

What about You?


I must say that the current dynamic on this platform is very strange!

Steem price goes down but this doesn't mean that everybody should just disappear. For me, this is the perfect shopping time and to keep on writing more and more quality content.

Don't give up!

I experienced similar moments in past days a few times in our community and appreciate everybody who sticked with it, even when the payouts were around a few cents only.

Do not give up on #STEEM .......once again!

We All need to roll with baby elephants in the mud these days :) and don't take money that serious.

There is so much more out there to put your focus on.

Heart over Ego!

Yours @mammasitta with a microblog post expressing my current mood

@massivevibration & @onartbali



Dear Silvia, I remember when steem value was 7 cents and when I think about that time I'm not scare by this time ^_^ Much love!!!!!!!!

You know what I mean because we know how it feels!
Sending my love in the next Post for today to spread good mood.

One really could freak out, when to buy?, will it drop?, then hopefully rise!?, anyway besides the capiatlistic factor this is still a social entity, one unique network and everyone is welcome

provided that one manages to register here :'D:
There are two 2 types of influencers outside there on instagram twitter and facebook: smart and stupid ones
When you'll find out? Steemit Registration Process

That’s how reality is, even on the blockchain!
I am HOME Here @sciencevienna and I love IT.
I am pulling through....keep spreading my “voice” I have here more than anywhere else. That’s unique indeed! I met amazing people and value every single one, even the so called “stupid” ones I might not always agree with nor like. Still valuable! We are all pioneers!

Let's spread your positive vibes into the universe and beyond :))

I made one more micro post today because of reading your comment earlier


Well, maybe losing some people that are only here for the money isn't the worst thing that can happen to us. Also, the price is mainly falling due to the falling BTC, it is not really a devaluation of our platform. We'll probably recover, and even if not, it's still the only platform that pays for content without advertisment and censorship, so what?

So ist es!
So what!

Senseless “Laws” belong to the old world.
We need new ones!

I experienced many similar situations since June 2016 and I realized only the tough cookies stayed, dedicated with a decentralized mindset! I am proud to be a voice on the blockchain and stunned about so many more who take time and effort to express their fears, hopes, concerns or just share their life experiences, Dog and cat pictures! Whatever it is to be human! I will continue to help in my humble ways!
I am proud taking this journey together with many more pioneers.
I wish to be a part of a true change!
Power up and just chill!

Hey Chilli Mama :-) - gut gesprochen - ich seh mich ja nicht als Pionier, das war auf anderen Plattformen davor - schlechte Zeiten haben wir durchgestanden, das stimmt. Jetzt hab ich aber paar Bedenken ehrlich gesagt, da es technisch hier gerade hakt und bei den SMTs wohl auch - ich bereits mich auf alles vor :-).

Na Mal abwarten wie immer. Ich verstehe Deine Bedenken sehr gut und trotzdem habe ich mir mehr SP gekauft gestern :) because I am la chilled mamma :) as much as I can

ich frag mal @ned wann denn die ganzen SMTs gelaunched werden :-)

all takes its time ...we are still in Beta....dont forget:)

And I hope we remain Beta for a long time :-)

Dear @mammasitta, I love the positivism that you radiate! This community has a lot of value, tangible and intangible, and it's not just about cents. No one should surrender, now is when we should all walk together. I will use a phrase from an author that I do not know, but that I have used at other times in my life: nobody said it would be easy, they just said it would be worth it! Receive a huge hug full of affection. Best regards.

beautifully said ....as usual.....super tired after 3 posts :) but I had to try to radiate a little light today

No matter if we only make pennies it’s still more than what we made on regular social media! I love Steemit and on my busy days when I can’t make it on here I miss it incredibly.

We are pioneers writing our message on a blockchain! That’s powerful and worth the faith for the future!

Agreed 💯

Seems like a lot of powerful whales are exploring the "power down" oceans lately :P

You did read my mind!

Haha love that little elephant. @mammasitta

"Cryptos go up
Cryptos go down
Just smile and never frown"

It gives one wrinkles :)

Great positive message.

Too many investors chicken out in my opinion!
Not me!

They should roll with that elephant 🐘 and laugh again. Taking their lives way too serious.
Money truly rules the world but NOT Me!

You can't imagine @mammasitta, these days great contents are undervalued, steem price is a belter, I mean if we look at @archange stats now, we will see that a whole lot of people have given up on posting contents, because they can't explain what is happening.

But you're certainly spot on, with that @mammasitta factor there we steem on without giving up or hesitating

I am NOT here ONLY for the money!
I am an idialist and also anarchist!
I wish to see a so called “valuable” community!

Anyways....I am not going anywhere with my SP and keep on helping as much as I can and possible in my dolphin Power

Thanks to Steemit, I have new friends in different parts of the Earth. This is the most valuable acquisition)

Spot on!
It’s not all about that cash!

I enjoy the moments of life in tough situation rather in smooth situations. Currently everyone knows that value of Steem is quite low so is the response from the authors and readers. But in my opinion it is an ideal time to explore the steemit by writing a worthy content by leaving awesome comments that show love and support for the fellow members of this platform.
I was much confused to buy Steem power at this stage but i have made my mind that i will buy it by tomorrow for sure. Because it is the perfect time for shopping guys; do not give up nor you give up


Steemit is going to bounce back even more strongly ;)

I believe in the STEEM Blockchain, not so much in steemit anymore because centralized BUT so proud of what a part of this Community became since June 2916. I have been up and down. That’s ok for me !

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