Steemocracy : A Steem Comic | Volume 6 | "Steemit Wall"

in #steemocracy8 years ago (edited)

Fun Facts

Donald Trump has been called a racist, misogynist, socialist and a scammer among other things. But one thing is for sure, he is definitely a great marketer, especially when it comes to marketing Donald Trump.

He's claimed he will build "a great, great wall" on the U.S. Southern border, and to top it off, he says he will make Mexico pay for it. His businesses have filed for bankruptcy protection more than four times. Mr. Trump has been involved in numerous scandals over the years as well, ranging from beauty pageants, mafia ties and even alleged marital rape. And yet, this is our other candidate currently running for President of the United States. Apparently Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are the best America has to offer to run this nation (into the ground).

Whoever gets elected will be taking over a $19.3 trillion deficit and worldwide turmoil born from a shameful foreign policy that started many decades ago. Does anyone really believe either one of these two are going to make things any better for the rest of us? Both candidates can barely manage their own lives and are embroiled in scandals that would have most of us behind bars for a lengthy period of time.

While the American people are thrown into cages for victimless crimes such as smoking a plant, rapist run free and the victims suffer due to a backlog of untested rape test kits sitting in police storage units. All while we're being force fed fear of terrorism by the mainstream media, when Americans are 58 times more likely to be killed by a police officer than a terrorist.

Yet Hillary gets to avoid depositions and delete classified information she's emailing others (illegally) and yet she's not behind bars, but instead likely going to be America's next Commander in Chief.

Donald Trump was right, "it's a sad day in America" when he and Hillary are paraded on our televisions as our next potential master.

All artwork by Tuck Fheman.

Previous Volumes of Steemocracy



Wherever you sourced them images from is proper.
Had a lulz for sure reading the comic. Keep it up Tuck

Lol love the new comic! You seem to have captured him very well.

Much as I hate both of them I think Trump is at least funny so could provide comedy value. Funny and evil is maybe slightly better than boring and evil. I suppose when the police are murdering you for growing an "illegal" plant it doesn't make much difference.

I feel that the politicians that we see are just puppets. The real power is the people behind them and we won't really ever get to see who they are.

Hahha. Let's build encryption wall around Steemit. :D

I like that part because it's an insane and ridicules idea just like his other ideas.

LMAO! Good one Tuck! We're all just mute spectators to all that's happening in America. The current candidates for presidency are just horrible. :(

Yay! Trump made it to your topics! Great comic (and yeah, just yesterday was lamenting two terrible choices)

LOL. This is cool. Burst out of laugh at the dialouge "You are fired". Very cool memes. Love your post. Keep sharing with us @tuck-fheman

And the crowd goes wild... "BUILD THE WALL" BUILD THE WALL" BUILD THE WALL" :))

Hilarious and educational!

Awesome post man, I just clicked your post and it went up about 9 dollars from a dollar lol.

ha ha :) so funny :)
I heard the news of Trump's building firewall on bitcointalk :)

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