[steemnova story] There is no peace

in #steemnova6 years ago (edited)


On planet Kraków, in the imperial throne room, the emperor was playing with his grandchildren and others kids in hide and seek game. So much laugh, so much love and happiness. How could possible someone imagine that this crown man has so much blood on his hand... The game was suddenly interrupted by chief of imperial diplomacy Lord Beck

Józiu is this really so urgent to disrupt this very, very important game which i play with my dearest children?

I am afraid it is, and your Highness... you want be happy about this, maybe... maybe we should talk this in private?

nonsens they need to learn! Some day, maybe one of them will be emperor as well, so just tell what is going on

DACH alliance, they broke treaty from Alkabana, they incorporate abandon empire of Marsell in their dominium, with @zb0oj they are now first power in Universe

Emperor Sarmaticus sighed, climbed up to his throne, sit down, put the crown on his head and with sad voice he said:

i offered them peace, i really did, and this is how they repay me? This is always like that, there is no peace and never will be. Children watch and learn, because we will do what we must, we will give them what they want. War.

i hate this drills, all the time, drills and drills, and why in the night?

Hey Rumpel, i dont think this is drill, look there is so many people in the hangar, i think whole fleet is going up, we will have real fight!

What? And you are happy about it?! We can die there! I hate this even more!

come on, you should be proud! Our empire is first in galaxy, we will win this for sure.

yea maybe, but there are always some loses you know? So with my luck i can still die tonight...

My Lord, incoming message

what? from who? @jeanpi1908 yes? and the whole operations is fucked, patch him through

but ekhm he just send "hi", what now?

contact with @dotevo we are attacking anyway, maybe we will destroy some of his defense, and also i have some idea...

You see Rumpel? you survived!

yes i am, and i am happy, and greatfull for our great empire, so can we now go to bed please?

If you want..., i am going to drink...

They even didn't get out of the hangar, when hated signal, signal to fight sounded again, some of the ships just landed, everyone was tired, but when Emperor is calling, no one can oppose. So they flight again to face @jeanpi1908 fleets, and this time he wasn't able to run. Two most powerful fleets in the universe join forces to crush @jeanpi1908 on his home planet, and this battle was so huge... It will be remember for a long time

On the command ship there was a party, party for the winner, alcohol, music, and others things. But Emperor wasn't celebrating, he was thinking... Like always, being emperor isn't easy thing

what now, what can be bigger challenge, what can be bigger stroke for DACH... yes, yes! This is it! we will destroy one of their moon, this will be glorious, i hope this Death Stars are so good as they say...

You can join the fight here: https://steemnova.intinte.org/


I told you he was an evil tyran! I told you! He attacks peacefull nations that are trading with him without any reason. He even force 2 great trade partners to foght one against an other.

It's better a war than a bad peace !

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