If they are stupid enough to want out, be smart and let them.

in #steemnaira6 years ago

#if they want out
#be smart
#let them Go
I stumbled on this while surfing the net earlier today so I thought, why not share with my new FAM?


The picture say it all
But why will people want to leave?
In truth why should they stay? One thing I learnt over time is, it is useless educating others verbally about your dreams and aspirations cos honestly nobody give a sht*

And those that do are even too busy handling theirs that bugging them with you're won't do much good

But the offence is when you want to leave but don't use the back door and do it with some sort of respect for the person but throws it right at him and make them feel not good enough . always remember NOBODY IS ACTUALLY THAT GOOD.

So as we have said be smart let them go and guess what you have some space to focus on you and make a great deal out of your life not necessarily to prove them wrong but to give you a bargaining position when they want back in.

Also remember hold no grudge
Its all life pulling them about and they are trying to survive too so give them the space you have left...and there is none feel free to let them go and have no regrets

[Image source]
Facebook.com/millionaires club


Oh yeah!
Set them free!

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