Was corona virus planned? See the prophesies from two authors from the 80s and 2000s. My thought.

in #steemnaija5 years ago


Anyone who hasn't heard of Corona Virus polished as COVID-19 is probably on another planet far from Earth. Even the aliens on Mars are telepathically connected and they are aware of the current epidemic on our planet...... So pathetic. It has been very disheartening that a lot of people are getting infected every day and little has worked to combat this annoying Covi plague...... Researchers, Biologists, and the likes are trying though.

Corona started in China, and it has traveled to more than 60 countries without invitation. One stupid thing about it is that once a person contracts it, it spreads like rain. It is 1000% times contagious than HIV. It has claimed more than 3000 lives and more people are diagnosed every day.

There has been controversy on the news about some books that predicted the covid-19 virus. A lot of people talked about it. Some confirmed it while a handful was against the prediction/prophecy. Do you have anything to say about this? Let's look at the stories and reason together, perhaps I might be making some sense in my analysis.

The eye of darkness (Dean Koontz)

This book was written 40 years ago, and you can imagine how unbelievable it is to link what is happening in the world right now (covid-19 outbreak) with what a page in the book discussed. It talked about a virus that was originated from the Wuhan lab as a weapon. According to what I read, Covid-19 was detected in the City of Wuhan in China. It was also reported by the Beijing Sponsored the South China University of Technology that Wuhan Center for Disease Control could have spawned the contagion in Hubei province.

As a matter of fact, the content of this book has no direct link with Covid-19. Why it seems as if it was a prophecy was the Wuhan city involved.

I just wonder why people screenshot the portion of the book (Eyes of darkness) that discussed the Wuhan 400 virus and started publicizing what is not.


I read the book from a-z and discovered it's only a novel written for entertainment and nothing else.

Even if Covid-19 has something to do with the Wuhan lab in China, the story in the novel is in no way correlated. It wasn't a prediction. The lab was only mentioned in the novel to make the story look real. The White House has been used in many novels several times and that doesn't make anything that happened afterward real.

Christina Evans (the main character) of the novel thought she lost her only child (Danny) to an accident (as she was made to believe) and later discovered it was a cover-up. China's new Biological weapon

known as Wuhan 400 created for war accidentally infected jaborski and the boys he took from School to the wood for hiking (Danny included) and they all died, but Danny didn't. They kept him in the lab for a further experiment on why he survived the deadly virus and cooked up a story to clear the air. When her mom was awakened to the fact that her son might be alive, she ordered permission to exhume the body of his son through Eliot (An attorney who happens to be her lover). They both fought their way to the lab and rescued Danny as the authorities were trying to assassinate them. That's just the story.

Because Covid-19 was first detected in Wuhan city has not made the 1981 novel a piece of heroic book of prophecy. I'm sure the author would shot many mouths if he was alive. Personally, I can't see anything in the book linked to Covid-19. What I can probably say is that, if this deadly disease wasn't contacted from bat as they say, then it might be as a result of mismanagement of some sort of experiment from Wuhan lab.

Evidently, Wuhan 400 was not the name used in the original release (first edition) of the book. It was Gorki 400, which was later changed in another edition in 1989 to suit the current labs that do science on this type of viral stuff just to simply update the book.


The fact that countries prepare bacteriological weapons and more virulent strain of viruses for war cannot be argued. It seems far way cheaper and even more effective than nuclear weapons, so many countries are secretly making research and creating different viruses for future purposes. Who knows. Covid-19 might be one of those viruses spawned accidentally in Wuhan. There is no point to back it up. It's just an assumption.

If Eyes of darkness is just a novel for entertainment, what about End of days by Sylvia Browne?

Sylvia Browne was a psychic who had written many books and happens to be one of the top sellers in the US. She died in 2013 at the age of 77. By the way, who is a psychic?

A psychic according to Wikipedia is a person who claims to use extrasensory perception (ESP) to identify information hidden from the normal senses, particularly involving telepathy or clairvoyance, or who performs acts that are apparently inexplicable by natural laws.

Though Sylvia Browne was frequently discredited and faced criticism for making pronouncements that were later found to be false, she nailed the 2020 prediction about a pneumonia-like disease that would plague the world which in a real sense is related to Covid-19.

Kim Kardashian posted this on twitter some days ago and it has been the talk of the world. I don't buy the idea of believing anything I come across on social media until I make my research and hold the bull by its horn.

Yes, Sylvia really talked about this in her book and it was a direct statement.

In around 2020 a severe pneumonia-like illness will spread throughout the globe, attacking the lungs and bronchial tube and resisting all known treatments. Almost more baffling than the illness itself will be the fact that it will suddenly vanish as quickly as it arrives. Attacks again 10 years later and then disappear completely.


If some of her works were a flop, I think she used her glasses well while checking in the realm for 2020 viral plague and her close psychic prediction strikes a primal chord in most of us.

Let's check her predictions

She mentioned 2020. I think that is accurate. We are really battling with the virus now.

She said the virus will attack the kidney and bronchial tube. Does Covid-19 really attack the kidney? let's see what Dr. Yoko Furuya, an infectious disease specialist at Columbia University Irving Medical Center said about the virus.

She said Corona virus is a foreign invader, that triggers our immune system to sweep in and try to contain and control the virus and stop it from making more and more copies of itself.

But Furuya says that this immune system response to this invader tends to destroy the lung tissue and cause inflammation.

So, we can be sure that Covid-19 destroys the lung. She seems to be right again. Okay! Let's keep checking. Perhaps, she would be wrong somewhere.

She also mentioned something like pneumonia and Yes, the end result of what Dr. Furuya described is pneumonia. She got that 100% too. But I spotted one wrong part. Was she really wrong?

She wrote that the virus resists all known treatments. Well, at first, it was so, but now, some people have been cured and more will still be free from the corona bondage.

Sylvia Browne continued:

It will suddenly vanish as quickly as it arrives. Attacks again 10 years later and then disappear completely.

Any plague that struck for three months is not friendly. The part that says it will vanish as quickly as it arrives is a total ish. There is nothing quick about it anymore because it has overstayed its time. I just wish it disappears now.

Covid-19 attacking again in 10 years is another future prophecy that will never come to pass. This is the time for it to disappear completely.

What do you think about her prediction related to Covid-19?

Before I drop my pen, I want to empathize with the rest of the world that suffers a deep blow from this virus. I hope the right measure is taken to combat it on time before it claims many innocent lives. Right now, Africa seems to be a place where this virus hardly survives because of the hot weather compared to most European countries. Nigeria, for example, claimed to have one or two issues of the Covid19 virus, but research has it that it hardly survives in hot weather.

Evidently, Africa is the safest continent in the world right now.

If you are still tested negative to covid-19 virus, please keep playing by the rules.

  • Stay away from someone sneezing or coughing

  • Cover your mouth when sneezing

  • Desist from touching your eyes, nose or mouth with your hand

  • Eating out can be dangerous at the moment, prepare your food and ensure personal hygiene.

All these are ways to prevent this virus, but only God can save us.

If you are a Casanova that loves changing pussy like cloth, this is the right time for your pussy holiday. Otherwise, you might jam a pussycat on your way to the pussy. Covid-19 is a serious matter that no one should joke with. You will never be caught in the web of the corona plague.

Thanks for reading.

Let's keep steeming it. It's ckole the laughing gas.

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