Sorry, what! Double tap that Ass in?? Ohh double strike Assasin... My mistake


From the title of this blog, it looked like this post could have gone one of two ways.... But luckily for the few that do read my blogs, we've gone down the @splinterlands route and not @dporn!!

Thanks to @carrieallen and the #curation team over at #steemmonsters, its time for the next SHARE YOUR BATTLE CHALLENGE, where you can win upvotes just from writing about everyone's favourite blockchain based, trading card game - #splinterlands.


Every week, the amazing curation team ask us to share a recent battle using either a specific battle theme or monster. This weeks monster is non other than that sneaky Silvershield Assasin


The Silvershield Assasin is a new reward card that doesn't often make its way in to my starting, battle deck. It would have to take the right combination of battle theme, game mane and daily quest for me to even consider using it.... Then, as if FATE dictated it herself, just so I could take part this week, the perfect battle scenario played out:


Two rule sets I could use to my favour.

LIFE splinter may not be a favourite of mine, but it is one of my stronger decks, so when I saw MELEE MONSTERS and ARMER UP as the rule sets I had to choose it and include the Assasin.

Watch the massacre HERE

With a lvl 3 Chain Golem sitting in the tank position already having armour, then adding the LIFE splinter buff of extra armour, plus another +2 armour on top, it has to be the only choice? Even though it does have VOID, knowing only melee monster can be used, there was no way anyone was getting through that defence anytime soon.

Knowing my TANK was a beast, I could concentrate my attack anywhere I wanted and decided that since life has a good sneak attack with Feral Spirit and Assasin, I threw in my Cutthroat for good measure. This is where having the Assasin is a great addition. With its DOUBLE STRIKE not only could it take out the additional armour, but add damage within one turn.

Since I had decided to go with sneak, I decided not to add any monsters with reach - such as LIFEs own silvershield warrior or the neutral monster Grumpy Dwarf. Instead I decided to add in the Silversheild Knight. This gave all my monsters a +1 melee buff and was the decision that probably won me this battle. Breaking through @gg1234's rear defence of unicorn would have taken so much longer had I not used him. But once the Unicorn fell, it was game over (as long as my GOLEM held out)

With 3 mana remaining, I decided to add my own tail gunner for defence expecting to atleast get a little action back there. So I added my werewolf with THORNS to give that extra reassurance.


Over all I think this team did exceptionally well and was still pretty much in tact at the end. Would I have made any changes???

Well that's a good question... Probably not, is the short answer, but would have any of you??

After having seen the teams revealed, one slight change may have been to remove my werewolf (as he wasn't needed) and add either the HORNY TOAD with "reach" for more forepower, or add in that cheeky ARMOUR SMITH to keep my tank topped up.


I hope you enjoyed today's blog and any advice on what changes you would have made will always help me improve my own gaming style and is ALWAYS welcome.



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Yeah. That lineup is sexy. But I agree, you could have switched the wolfy out for something... though having that there as a strong back up it isn't wrong. 😉
😍 @carrieallen


You have been manually curated by the @splinterlands / @steemmonsters team for the SHARE YOUR BATTLE WEEKLY CONTEST!

Thank you for SHARING your Splinterlands content with the world! The more the merrier!

Enjoy your juicy upvote and keep creating excellent Splinterlands content!

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