Steem Monsters list of monsters by ability

Hey there,

So this is my first time posting anything, and I'm relatively new to Steemmonsters, but I have loved getting into the game, even it is making my wife crazy. While I was working on learning the game mechanics, I kept trying to get a handle on which monsters had which abilities at which levels. Rather than just jump into the market to look at each monster individually, I spent a little (lot) of time organizing a list of monsters by ability. Hopefully, this will be helpful for someone else out there. If not, it was useful for me, so no harm no fail I guess. Anyway, here you go. I originally had it color coded by splinter so you could visualize which splinters had more of each ability, but that didn't copy in, so you're out of luck there. Happy battling!

Affliction – Keeps that enemy monster from healing itself or being healed
-Lord of Fire (Promo – Fire – Legendary – Level 3)
-Goblin Chef (Promo – Earth – Common – Level 4)
-Undead Archer (Promo – Death – Rare)

Blast – Ranged or Magic attacks “splash” to adjacent monsters
-Exploding Dwarf (Reward – Fire – Common)
-Fire Demon (A/B – Fire – Epic – Level 3)
-Elemental Phoenix (A/B – Fire – Legendary – Level 2)
-Pirate Archer (Reward – Water – Rare)
-Electric Eels (Promo – Water – Rare – Level 5)
-Ruler of the Seas (Reward – Water – Legendary)
-Minotaur Warlord (Promo – Earth – Legendary – Level 3)
-Screaming Banshee (A/B – Death – Epic – Level 3)
-Lightning Dragon (A/B – Dragon – Legendary – Level 4)
-Gold Dragon (A/B – Dragon – Legendary – Level 3)

Blind – Reduces hit chance of enemy melee and range attacks by 15%
-Fallen Specter (Reward – Death – Legendary – Level 4)

Cleanse – Removes all negative effects from the monster in the first position
-Mermaid Healer (Promo – Water – Epic – Level 6)
-Silvershield Bard (Promo – Life – Rare)

Demoralize – Reduces the melee attack of all enemy monsters by one
-Molten Ogre (Promo – Fire – Common)
-Fallen Specter (Reward – Death – Legendary – Level 2)

Divine Shield – Protects monster against first attack of the battle
-Divine Sorceress (Reward – Life – Epic)
-Sacred Unicorn (Reward – Life – Legendary – Level 4)

Dodge – Monster has a higher chance of evading Ranged and Melee attacks
-Serpentine Soldier (A/B – Fire – Rare – Level 4)
-Elemental Phoenix (A/B – Fire – Legendary – Level 4)
-Water Elemental (A/B – Water – Rare – Level 5)
-Mischievous Mermaid (A/B – Water – Epic – Level 3)
-Javelin Thrower (Reward – Earth – Rare – Level 5)
-Air Elemental (A/B – Life – Epic – Level 3)
-Twisted Jester (A/B – Death – Rare – Level 5)
-Cocatrice (Beta – Neutral – Rare – Level 5)

Double Strike – Monster attacks twice per turn
-Silvershield Archers (Reward – Life – Common – Level 6)
-Undead Minotaur (Reward – Death – Common)
-Hobgoblin (Reward – Neutral – Rare)

Enrage – Monster receives a Melee attack boost once they go below full health
-Pit Ogre (A/B – Fire – Rare – Level 4)
-Naga Warrior (A/B – Water – Epic – Level 4)
-Stonesplitter Orc (A/B – Earth – Rare – Level 5)
-Clay Golem (A/B – Life – Rare – Level 5)
-Lord of Darkness (A/B – Death – Legendary)
-Chromatic Dragon (A/B – Dragon – Legendary – Level 2)
-Grumpy Dwarf (Beta – Neutral – Common – Level 5)
-Furious Chicken (Reward – Neutral – Rare – Level 5)
-Raging Impaler (Beta – Neutral – Epic – Level 3)

Flying – Monster has a higher chance of evading melee or ranged attacks that DON’T come from another flying monster
-Giant Roc (A/B – Fire – Common)
-Flying Imp (Reward – Fire – Rare)
-Imp Bowman (Reward – Fire – Epic)
-Elemental Phoenix (A/B – Fire – Legendary)
-Sea Genie (Reward – Water – Common)
-Spirit of the Forest (A/B – Earth – Legendary)
-Angel of Light (A/B – Life – Legendary – Level 2)
-Vampire (Reward – Death – Common – Level 6)
-Dark Enchantress (A/B – Death – Epic)
-Phantom Soldier (Reward – Death – Epic)
-Corrupted Pegasus (Promo – Death – Legendary)
-Fallen Specter (Reward – Death – Legendary)
-Dragon Whelp (Promo – Dragon – Common)
-Royal Dragon Archer (Promo – Dragon – Epic)
-Manticore (Reward – Dragon – Epic)
-Fiendish Harpy (Promo – Dragon – Epic)
-Lightning Dragon (A/B – Dragon – Legendary)
-Chromatic Dragon (A/B – Dragon – Legendary)
-Gold Dragon (A/B – Dragon – Legendary)
-Black Dragon (Reward – Dragon – Legendary)
-Red Dragon (Promo – Dragon – Legendary)
-Cocatrice (Beta – Neutral – Rare)
-Enchanted Pixie (Beta – Neutral – Rare)

Headwinds – Monster reduces the ranged attack of all enemy monsters
-Naga Windmaster (Reward – Water – Rare)
-Fallen Specter (Reward – Death – Legendary – Level 3)

Heal – Monster can restore a portion on its health on before its attack
-Cerberus (A/B – Fire – Rare)
-Sea Monster (Reward – Water – Common)
-Water Elemental (A/B – Water – Rare)
-Flesh Golem (A/B – Earth – Common – Level 3)
-Earth Elemental (A/B – Earth – Rare – Level 4)
-Sacred Unicorn (Reward – Life – Legendary)
-Haunted Spirit (A/B – Death – Rare)
-Gold Dragon (A/B – Dragon – Legendary – Level 2)
-Red Dragon (Promo – Dragon – Legendary – Level 3)
-Hydra (Beta – Neutral – Legendary)

Inspire – Boosts melee attack of all friendly monsters by 1
-Beetle Queen (Reward – Fire – Rare – Level 8)
-Pirate Captain (A/B – Water – Common – Level 6)
-Brownie (Reward – Earth – Epic – Level 4)
-Silvershield Knight (A/B – Life – Common)
-Angel of Light (A/B – Life – Legendary – Level 4)
-Enchanted Pixie (Beta – Neutral – Rare – Level 5)

Life Leech – Adds to monsters health when they take the health of enemy monster
-Vampire (Reward – Death – Common)
-Black Dragon (Reward – Dragon – Legendary)

Magic Reflect – Reflects a portion of a magic attack’s damage back at attacker
-Elemental Phoenix (A/B – Fire – Legendary – Level 3)
-Frozen Soldier (A/B – Water – Rare – Level 5)
-Minotaur Warlord (Promo – Earth – Legendary)
-Silvershield Paladin (A/B – Life – Rare – Level 5)
-Haunted Spirit (A/B – Death – Rare – Level 4)
-Gold Dragon (A/B – Dragon – Legendary – Level 4)
-Rusty Android (Reward – Neutral – Common)
-Prismatic Energy (Reward – Neutral – Rare)
-Lord Arianthus (Reward – Neutral – Legendary – Level 2)

Opportunity – Monster targets the enemy monster with the lowest health
-Fiendish Harpy (Promo – Dragon – Epic – Level 4)

Piercing – Melee or ranged attack that can “cross through” shield to health if the attack exceeds the existing amount of shield remaining
-Exploding Dwarf (Reward – Fire – Common – Level 3)
-Serpent of the Flame (A/B – Fire – Epic – Level 5)
-Imp Bowman (Reward – Fire – Epic – Level 4)
-Minotaur Warrior (A/B – Earth – Common – Level 6)
-Javelin Thrower (Reward – Earth – Rare)
-Silvershield Knight (A/B – Life – Common – Level 4)
-Sacred Unicorn (Reward – Life – Legendary – Level 2)
-Dragonling Bowman (Promo – Dragon – Rare – Level 5)
-Lightning Dragon (A/B – Dragon – Legendary – Level 3)
-Chromatic Dragon (A/B – Dragon – Legendary – Level 3)
-Goblin Mech (Reward – Neutral – Common)
-Raging Impaler (Beta – Neutral – Epic)

Poison – Once poisoned, the poisoned monster will lose 2 health to start each round
-Serpent of the Flame (A/B – Fire – Epic – Level 3)
-Naga Windmaster (Reward – Water – Rare – Level 8)
-Goblin Chef (Promo – Earth – Common – Level 8)
-Mushroom Seer (Reward – Earth – Rare – Level 5)
-Haunted Spider (A/B – Death – Common – Level 4)
-Skeleton Assassin (A/B – Death – Common – Level 6)
-Royal Dragon Archer (Promo – Dragon – Epic – Level 3)

Protect – Provides an armor boost of 1 to all friendly monsters
-Crustacean King (A/B – Water – Common – Level 6)
-Spirit of the Forest (A/B – Earth – Legendary – Level 3)
-Defender of Truth (A/B – Life – Epic – Level 3)

Reach – Monster with melee can attack from the second position
-Giant Roc (A/B – Fire – Common)
-Electric Eels (Promo – Water – Rare)
-Minotaur Warrior (A/B – Earth – Common)
-Silvershield Warrior (A/B – Life – Common)
-Spineback Wolf (A/B – Death – Common)
-Corrupted Pegasus (Promo – Death – Legendary)
-Manticore (Reward – Dragon – Epic)
-Grumpy Dwarf (Beta – Neutral – Common)

Repair – Rebuilds part of the shield of the friendly monster that has taken the most damage that turn
-Armorsmith (Promo – Life – Common)

Resurrect – Brings the first friendly monster to die back to life with 1 health (cannot resurrect itself)
-Angel of Light (A/B – Life – Legendary)

Retaliate – Monsters with retaliate have a chance of returning a melee attack even though it isn’t their turn
-Exploding Dwarf (Reward – Fire – Common – Level 6)
-Cerberus (A/B – Fire – Rare – Level 5)
-Serpent of the Flame (A/B – Fire – Epic)
-Naga Warrior (A/B – Water – Epic)
-Stonesplitter Orc (A/B – Earth – Rare)
-Undead Minotaur (Reward – Death – Common – Level 6)
-Lord of Darkness (A/B – Death – Legendary – Level 4)
-Hydra (Beta – Neutral – Legendary – Level 3)

Return Fire – Sends reduced attack back when hit with a ranged attack
-Minotaur Warlord (Promo – Earth – Legendary – Level 2)
-Red Dragon (Promo – Dragon – Legendary – Level 2)

Shatter – The enemy monster hit with Shatter has their armor destroyed
-Lord of Fire (Promo – Fire – Legendary – Level 4)
-Naga Windmaster (Reward – Water – Rare – Level 5)
-Undead Archer (Promo – Death – Rare – Level 5)

Shield – Monster with shield takes reduced damage from ranged and melee attacks
-Serpentine Soldier (A/B – Fire – Rare)
-Naga Fire Wizard (Reward – Fire – Rare)
-Frozen Soldier (A/B – Water – Rare)
-Frost Giant (A/B – Water – Legendary)
-Stone Golem (A/B – Earth – Rare)
-Silvershield Paladin (A/B – Life – Rare)
-Skeletal Warrior (Reward – Death – Rare – Level 5)
-Lord of Darkness (A/B – Death – Legendary – Level 3)
-Cyclops (Beta – Neutral – Rare – Level 3)
-Raging Impaler (Beta – Neutral – Epic – Level 5)
-Lord Arianthus (Reward – Neutral – Legendary)

Silence – Monster reduces the magic attack of all enemy monsters by one
-Lord of Fire (Promo – Fire – Legendary – Level 2)
-Ruler of the Seas (Reward – Water – Legendary – Level 3)
-Mushroom Seer (Reward – Earth – Rare)
-Crystal Werewolf (Reward – Life – Rare)
-Phantom Soldier (Reward – Death – Epic – Level 3)

Slow – Slows all enemy monsters speed by one
-Goblin Shaman (A/B – Fire – Common – Level 5)
-Frost Giant (A/B – Water – Legendary – Level 3)
-Swamp Thing (A/B – Earth – Epic – Level 4)
-Divine Healer (A/B – Life – Common – Level 6)
-Undead Priest (A/B – Death – Rare – Level 5)
-Black Dragon (Reward – Dragon – Legendary – Level 2)
-Creeping Ooze (Reward – Neutral – Common)

Sneak – Monster attacks the last enemy monster in line first
-Kobold Miner (A/B – Fire – Common)
-Sabre Shark (A/B – Water – Common)
-Goblin Sorcerer (A/B – Earth – Common)
-Feral Spirit (A/B – Life – Common)
-Skeleton Assassin (A/B – Death – Common)
-Dragonling Bowman (Promo – Dragon – Rare)
-Shin-lo (Promo – Dragon – Legendary)
-Elven Cutthroat (Beta – Neutral – Common)

Snipe – Monster attacks the first ranged monster in line first
-Fire Beetle (A/B – Fire – Common)
-Pirate Captain (A/B – Water – Common)
-Spirit of the Forest (A/B – Earth – Legendary)
-Silvershield Archers (Reward – Life – Common)
-Twisted Jester (A/B – Death – Rare)
-Royal Dragon Archer (Promo – Dragon – Epic)
-Centaur (Beta – Neutral – Common)
-Dwarven Wizard (Promo – Neutral – Epic)

Strengthen – Increases the health of all friendly monsters by 1
-Lord of Fire (Promo – Fire – Legendary)
-Sea Genie (Reward – Water – Common – Level 6)
-Mermaid Healer (Promo – Water – Epic – Level 4)
-Wood Nymph (Reward – Earth – Common – Level 6)
-Corrupted Pegasus (Promo – Death – Legendary – Level 2)
-Black Dragon (Reward – Dragon – Legendary – Level 3)

Stun – Monster has a chance of stunning the enemy monster, causing it to skip its next action
-Pit Ogre (A/B – Fire – Rare)
-Medusa (A/B – Water – Rare – Level 3)
-Frost Giant (A/B – Water – Legendary – Level 4)
-Stone Golem (A/B – Earth – Rare – Level 5)
-Dark Enchantress (A/B – Death – Epic – Level 4)
-Lord of Darkness (A/B – Death – Legendary – Level 2)
-Lightning Dragon (A/B – Dragon – Legendary – Level 2)
-Goblin Mech (Reward – Neutral – Common – Level 6)
-Cyclops (Beta – Neutral – Rare – Level 6)
-Dwarven Wizard (Promo – Neutral – Epic – Level 4)

Swiftness – Increases the speed of all friendly monsters by one
-Flying Imp (Reward – Fire – Rare – Level 5)
-Ruler of the Seas (Reward – Water – Legendary – Level 2)
-Brownie (Reward – Earth – Epic)
-Silvershield Bard (Reward – Life – Rare – Level 5)

Tank Heal – heals the friendly monster in the front position
-Beetle Queen (Reward – Fire – Rare – Level 5)
-Crustacean King (A/B – Water – Common)
-Wood Nymph (Reward – Earth – Common)
-Spirit of the Forest (A/B – Earth – Legendary – Level 2)
-Divine Healer (A/B – Life – Common)
-Angel of Light (A/B – Life – Legendary – Level 3)
-Corrupted Pegasus (Promo – Death – Legendary – Level 3)

Thorns – Returns damage of an attacking melee monster by 2 points
-Serpentine Soldier (A/B – Fire – Rare – Level 7)
-Naga Fire Wizard (Reward – Fire – Rare – Level 5)
-Spineback Turtle (A/B – Water – Common – Level 4)
-Sea Monster (Reward – Water – Common – Level 6)
-Crystal Werewolf (Reward – Life – Rare – Level 5)
-Spineback Wolf (A/B – Death – Common – Level 5)
-Dragon Whelp (Promo – Dragon – Common – Level 6)
-Manticore (Reward – Dragon – Epic – Level 4)
-Chromatic Dragon (A/B – Dragon – Legendary – Level 4)
-Enchanted Defender (Promo – Neutral – Common – Level 5)
-Hydra (Beta – Neutral – Legendary – Level 2)
-Lord Arianthus (Reward – Neutral – Legendary – Level 3)

Trample – After killing a monster, a monster with trample will perform an additional attack on the next monster in line as well
-Giant Roc (A/B – Fire – Common – Level 6)
-Exploding Dwarf (Reward – Fire – Common – Level 9)
-Molten Ogre (Promo – Fire – Common – Level 6)
-Frost Giant (A/B – Water – Legendary – Level 2)
-Rexxie (A/B – Earth – Common – Level 4)
-Silvershield Knight (A/B – Life – Common – Level 8)
-Sacred Unicorn (Reward – Life – Legendary – Level 3)
-Hydra (Beta – Neutral – Legendary – Level 4)

Triage – Heals the friendly monster in the back line who has taken the most damage
-Mermaid Healer (Promo – Water – Epic)

Void – Monster takes reduced damage from magic attacks
-Pit Ogre (A/B – Fire – Rare – Level 7)
-Flesh Golem (A/B – Earth – Common – Level 7)
-Clay Golem (A/B – Life – Rare)
-Animated Corpse (A/B – Death – Common – Level 4)
-Haunted Spirit (A/B – Death – Rare – Level 7)
-Phantom Soldier (Reward – Death – Epic – Level 5)
-Prismatic Energy (Reward – Neutral – Rare – Level 5)
-Lord Arianthus (Reward – Neutral – Legendary)

Weaken – Monster reduces the health of all enemy monsters by one
-Goblin Shaman (A/B – Fire – Common)
-Swamp Thing (A/B – Earth – Epic)
-Undead Priest (A/B – Death – Rare)



Well done! !trdo !BEER



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Hi @thecaptaincrown

Divine Shield can be underrated at times, I think the unicorn will be reborn in battle after untamed!

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Thanks so much for the tip. I felt like I was forgetting a tag. And I hope you're right about the Unicorn. I have one sitting there but rarely use it. Seems like a fairly weak tank within that splinter, at least at my sad level 1

Here’s a free 100% vote from the @contestkings community have a great day!

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Enjoy your juicy upvote and keep creating excellent Splinterlands content!

Welcome to the Splinterlands!

I'm glad you're having a good time. You should totally get your wife into it. 😉
Thanks for the layout of all the abilities. This is awesome!
😍 @carrieallen

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