Steem Monsters mini updates

in #steemmonsters6 years ago (edited)

So, Steem Monsters is still in Alpha.
This is a state of improvement and growth as we figure out the best plan of action to make this game better.
Changes will be happening along the way and we will always keep you updated.

10 Free Booster Packs when you buy 100!

Bonus packs are now available through the presale!
100 packs = 110 packs!

Starter Pack Adjustment

We started with 30 cards in each Starter Pack as a bonus thank you for early adopters of Steem Monsters.
As we get closer to the official launch, we are adjusting to a more proportional set of starter packs.
There are currently 60 cards in the full set, so a starter pack of 15 cards will be implemented as our main-line product.
The started pack will still be fully playable with Summoners and Monsters both included.

Legendary Cards

Legendary Cards are intended to be ultra rare. The current chances of getting a legendary is too high, making the Legendary card lose its value.

Currently, every time you click on a booster card, you currently have a 1.4% of getting a Legendary. In a pack with 5 cards the rarity goes up. That's too high right now. So, we'll be bringing this down. At a minimum we'll bring it to 1% per card. At a maximum we'll bring it down to 1% per deck. It'll be gradual and incremental we'll see how tweaks change things in the secondary market.

Most standard collectible card games are designed that a very small percent of the entire print run would result in the ultra rarest card. We will be adjusting the legendaries drop rates to industry standards.

This will serve to increase the legendary card's intended value in game play.

The reason for these changes has to do with game play, having a healthy market, request by users, and ultimately increasing the thrill of discovering more new cards as time goes on.

Not all of these changes will be effective immediately.
We will update you as changes go into effect.


One thing I've been wondering is whether the cards in a booster pack are set at time of purchase or at time of opening? In other words, are these like physical booster packs or more like credits to randomly assemble 5 cards at a future time based on the draw probabilities at that future instant?

Lowering the legendary rate was the right thing to do. I had noticed a lot of people had managed to get legendaries and I've got a couple myself (I combined some duplicate legendaries). This is good news for early adopters who got in when the drop rate was higher, it means the value of current legendaries should theoretically go through the roof.

Are you going to have variable drop percentages for some cards? Could be a great idea to have varying degree of rare legendary cards, maybe even legendaries with a 0.5% drop rate or for something super rate 0.25% it could make the thrill of the chase greater and it would incentivise people to keep buying packs.

I have fond memories as a child buying booster packs as much as possible in an attempt to get rare Pokemon cards.

Tbh I think the drop rate for legends was a very good thing, and a great present to us who got in early. However, adding even better cards later doesn't quite feel so great. It means that it will eventually suck to have been the early investor, because the developers keep dropping even rarer cards, and rarer cards and rarer cards..and then your cards that you got early arent worth that much. AND..a lot of people probably burned a lot of steem early on - and might not have so much to spend on new packs to get the even rarer cards and therefore they will not end up with very good cards.

I don't think ANY card moving forward should be better or more scarce than the legendaries from first edition. Sure there can be AS good cards and cards with the same drop rate. But giving later adopters the possibility to get even better cards than the early adopters doesnt ring quite well?

Where was it ever explicitly stated or even implied that they'll be "adding even better cards"?

All that I got out of reading this post is that they'll be making the current legendary cards rarer on a card by card (booster pack by booster pack) basis.

No where, I was responding to @beggars. If I was responding to the main topic I would create a new comment and not respond to @beggars :)

Great point!

adding even better cards later doesn't quite feel so great

I don't think I said they would do that and I don't think the @steemmonsters team said they would do that either.

I don't think ANY card moving forward should be better or more scarce than the legendaries from first edition

I think my point may have been misconstrued here. I was saying the drop rate for the current legendary cards being reduced is a good thing. And for some cards like the Golden Dragon having a card-by-card drop rate where the percentage is lower than the base level could incentivise people to keep chasing rare legendary cards (not new cards, the current cards).

As early investors, many got a profitable early mover advantage anyway. If the drop rate is reduced legendary cards instantly go up in value based on that metric alone. If they introduce per-card drop rates for some current legendary cards being even rarer, the value goes higher again.

To conclude, I am not saying new cards need to give non-early investors an advantage, I am specifically talking about the current lineup of cards.

this is definitely exciting. I already opened 50 packs but unfortunately I got no legendary card. hopefully, i will have my own soon.. :)

Hmm. I'd say you're running a bit unlucky.

45 packs without a single one.. mathematics sucks sometimes.. 😂

I just bought my starter pack and the 100 + 10 booster pack.

And I got 7 Legendaries and 36 Epics. Nice!

There go my chances of getting a legendary from booster pack...

Hopefully I can win some in the tournaments. :)

I just got my starter pack and and cant wait for the game

Hello @steemmonsters My question is in regards to the lowering of the legendary drop rate. Is this change applicable to all packs already purchased yet unopened, or only for new packs purchased going forward?

Posted using Partiko Android

quite impressive, best of luck

this is very nice and interesting, i want to join in steem moster and get the card

Some really good changes... great work here. Now I just need to find some Legendaries.... only 1 so far

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