Kickstarter Printed Alpha Cards!

So, aggroed made a mistake on the Kickstarter campaign. He's charging folks getting the $1000 tier a higher shipping cost than the $500 tier which has the same amount of physical loot. That's an oversight we're fixing with physically printing Alpha cards!


Over a year ago when Matt and I created the game we started with the Alpha edition of the cards. There were only 300,000 packs. There were 59 different cards available in the packs. They don't look amazing. They look like first-generation cards, but that's part of what makes them unique and special. We've decided to print a physical deck of cards that celebrates the Alphas too.

  • The top 10 pack purchasers from the alpha edition will get 1 free alpha deck sent to them regardless of whether they participate in this crowdfund or not.
  • For every $1,000 spent on the campaign in a physical loot reward tier available exclusively through Kickstarter, we will ship 1 set of printed alpha cards.
  • We're going to print some for the Splinterlands team so the dedicated folks here can have this awesome collector's item.

Best yet, we're doing this at no additional cost. So, to the big spenders getting physical products - this our way of saying thank you and correcting the shipping mistake. To the OGs that were with us from the beginning, we wouldn't be here without your support and we hope you think this is as cool as we do. To the team of folks behind the scenes, we're blessed and happy to have you here. Thanks for your time and help. It's a wild and fun ride. Here's a small token of appreciation (well, not actually tokens, but physical cards).

What about physically printed cards in the future?

We're not going to package alphas or betas like this ever again. We are cooking up a way to allow players to purchase physical cards in the future, but as we're envisioning (not guaranteeing) it, you won't just be able to walk up and purchase every single card that's already maxed out unless you own them all. There's probably cooldowns with that too. It's likely waaaaaay more expensive than this campaign because it will be print on demand instead of a bulk run like this.

Is the book exclusive?

No, not at all. We plan to sell this now and later. It's foundational to the game expanding into other physical products and markets. Is the edition exclusive? Yes. We'll switch editions when this campaign is over.

Stay tuned for more updates from the Splinterlands!

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@cryptomancer a great news for you!

It certainly is! An alpha deck will make a great collectible, the physical cards are one of the most exciting aspects of the KS for me. Can't wait to get my hands on them!

I'll take them alphas! Man this Kickstarter keeps getting juicier and juicier. Thank you all for all your hard work and dedication!

@patelincho, you still around? You'd be in the top ten for Alpha pack purchases yeah?

Very cool of you guys! One of my biggest errors was not jumping onto steem monsters at the beginning. Thanks for sharing!

Posted using Partiko Android

I'd love to see more physical promo cards with or even without promo code. Maybe some kind of affiliate cards where the affiliate pais forward.
@tipu curate

nice get-around chaps lol - am a total digital guy in that sense but sure a lot love the printed Alpha ones

Absolutely amazing @steemmonsters !!!

This post has been included in the latest edition of The Steem News - a compilation of the key news stories on the Steem blockchain.

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