∆ZUN∆'s Descension : A Steem Monster's Tale (fan fiction)

in #steemmonsters6 years ago


Mer'Lin was always a quiet merfolk. Living on the outskirts of Aldum, he had no need or never felt obliged to be a part of the society around him, until he met her. Mer'maj approached his dwellings, very abashed. She needed help and wasn't the kind of mermaid who often asked for it. It was the one thing that was beyond her powers and abilities. She wanted to leave Aldum, merfolk city, and Mer'Lin was the only mermaid with wizard training necessary to achieve the disappearing act she was requesting.

The only thing is, he didn't want her to leave. He had a feeling there was more to the story than she was revealing. He could have easily made her speak the whole truth, but, he wanted to see if she'd speak it freely. Mer'Lin was slightly older than her in appearance and that eased her for some reason. When they had conversations she felt he was wise beyond his years. Although, he never did reveal his age.

He didn't agree to her request right away. He asked instead for her to visit him every night to reveal her true intentions. She revealed the conflict in her family was becoming a burden. She was to become her mother's apprentice as a water mage but refused to deny her thurst for exploration. Water mages rarely leave their temple once initiated into the practice. This was not the life she desired.

Mer'Lin felt for her, although he did not want her to go, he decided to help her for many reasons. He decided to teach her the art of teleportation. He told her his perspective on becoming a mage and she listened. Over time, while they've been meeting, she developed a respect for him that was much deeper than she'd expected. This began to outweigh her desire to explore other lands. With her newly learned ability, she was able to commit to her mage duties, visit Mer'Lin, and they explored the world together.


From their companionship grew a deep love. A passion grew and from that passion, a child was born. They named her Azuna. Her name meaning at one with the waters. After they became the guardians of Aldum, Azuna was to join them as soon as she became of age.

Much like her mother, Azuna was not easily swayed to become anything else but herself. As she grew, she often disappeared for long periods of time, spending most of that time with the sirenas. Her childhood friend, Octavia, begged her not to spend time in that cave... But that cave was calling to her. She had no idea what these Sirenas were really up to.


With every visit to the cave of the Sirenas, Azuna would become more and more, mischievous. Stealing potions and stones from her parent's dwellings, manipulating Octavia to cover for her when she wanted to leave. It wasn't until some merfolk spotted Azuna bringing a sirena dagger to town that her parents became suspicious of what she was doing beyond Aldum.

One night, after conflict bursted out of control between her and her parents, Azuna agreed to participate in a soul sacrifice ritual with the Sirenas. Azuna was overwhelmed with a power she never felt before. She returned to her parent's dwellings and couldn't find any trace of them. They had disappeared.

She felt no remorse, no need to find them. To her, this was in her favor and figures they went off to start a new life, leaving Aldum in her hands. Octavia became her right hand and agreed to lead the guardians of Aldum. Octavia did not trust Azuna but did not want to abandon her people. She could not leave the fate of Aldum in this mischievous mermaid's twisted hands.


Azuna starts having night terrors, glimpses of what's to come. This sends her on a quest for truth. She finds a tunnel which leads to a secret dwelling. It seemed to have belonged to her parents. A water sprite appears and possesses her. It takes her to a place in her mind where her father is imprisoned. He warns her of what she's done and that if she continues to use dark magic, she will lose control. He warns that Azuna'a mother is bound to the Flame of Everlast and has begun to currupted it due to being in constant agony. She must go on a quest to return her powers to the flame in exchange for her mother. The sprite leaves and now Azuna embarks on her journey to save her mother's soul from disintegrating.


Azuna is challenged to fight on her way to the Flame and uses her dark powers one too many times and becomes consumed. The pirate captain traps her in this form within his sword[artifact: the sword of Everlast], only to be summoned in battles. Word reaches to Octavia and she reaches out to her Ally, a Naga warrior. This warrior Defeats the pirate captain and attains the Sword of Everlast. She continues Azuna's quest to the Flame.

Once She reaches the flame, she must sacrifice the sword to free Azuna and Mer'maj and end its curruption, restoring balance to the lands.


Thank you for reading my Steem Monsters fan fiction for mischievous mermaid. I'm not a very experienced writer but wanted to share my fan fiction regardless. If you want to check out my previous short story for the Flames of Everlast, click here

*I do not own any of the images. I found them on Pinterest.


Nice Stace!! Enjoyed your story. Hope you will post more interesting stories like this :D

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