
It will be interesting... I do not have much cards... but have the complete rare and epic set, but no gold cards. I am as curious as you are where the market will be on Oct 1.

Hopefully way up in price....

Wish I bought more packs ... this is all new to me but dang I would have never of thought a digital card could be worth so much. Then again I never thought Bitcoin could be worth so much either.

True true, I am one of those people that could've got into Bitcoin under a dollar and I didn't. Now we got Steem, its low but our Blockchain is hands down the best with so many apps using it. Now Monsters, I know how big DD, Magic and Pokemon is, so to me it was a no brainer on these monsters.

Me and you both .... I use to run / own a poker forum and there was a guy that came into my chat trying to sell me and my members bitcoin for $1. I booted and banned him because I thought he was scamming. ..... ooops ...

I know the other games you mention are very popular but I have never interacted or collected any cards in these type of games before. I am starting to kick myself in the ass for only purchasing 30 alpha packs and only going with the $50 kickstarter option. But those are the decisions I made so I will stick with them. I am thinking of getting another $25 kickstarter plan just for the extra 10 alpha packs that come with it.

Yeah, just get what you can is my motto....

So you run contests right? Do you do no upvote, no resteem? Are you one any discord channels?

Correct .. Contest / games / promotions and some random general posts in the mix as well.

I have different rules for each contest. Some require just a comment to enter and others just an upvote but I never make resteeming a requirement. I do how-ever in the odd contest give an extra entry to those who resteem my post.

I have discord but my discord account is forever changing. I use throw away email accounts for discord which means once I forget my password there is no way to get it back. I am on some discord channels but not very active in any.


I'm launching a big project on October 1st on Steemit with @o07 and @dkid14 to help connect people wanting to run contests and connect with their target audience.

It's going to help change the way contests are run by having a "No Resteem, No Follow, No Upvote" criteria.

The author added to a white list daily post summary on @contestkings containing specific members of the community that also have like minded views and contests they want to run.

If this is something you are interested in please let me know.


That would be something I am interested in thanks for considering me.

To be on the white list your going to need to provide the contests in our private Discord channel. Here is the link if you want to get involved and let us know when you have joined we can give you to your access.

Gee aye, the "economics of scarcity" is alive and well in the Monster Market. Let's ride this thing all the way to the moon! It looks like the SotF price has come back down again considerably since your post though. Currently it is hovering around $150, from what I'm seeing. Some of those Legendary  prices are amazing though. I can't believe that the GF  Lightning Dragon is currently worth more than the GF  Selenia Sky! That's the "economics of scarcity" for you though. There's only 2x LD's in the market at present, compared to 5x SS's. It certainly will be interesting to see where this goes.

🙚   SteemMonsters:Site   • Discord   |   • Discord   |   Chibera:   • Site   • Discord   🙘

Yes, very interesting. We shall see soon...... Moon shot......

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