steemmonsters daily quest - what a shit day LOL

in #steemmonsters5 years ago

way to start the season - 4 losses in a row

it's about like last season LOL

yup - the never ending low mana bullshit

fuck - win 1 - lose 3

nevermind - its more like win 1 - lose 7

ok - so taday we tryz out the earth splinter

so apparently - my earth splinter cards REALLY REALLY SUCKZ

WOOT WOOT - right on back to silver 2 i go

FUCK YEAH - another 7 in a row loses

it's bad enough without the never ending 'low mana' matches

FUCK YEAH - i got my ass beat all the way back down to bronze 1

WHAT THE EVR LOVIN FUCK - why are all these goddamn diamond players way the fuck down here at bronze for fuck sake

un fucking believable

i started at like fucking 1150 - now im at 966

i havent been this low for 12 fucking seasons

fuk me - i cant even win one using good cards

LOLZ - even with dragons i cant get out of bronze - fucking hillarious

win 1 lose 2 nvm lose 3 or 4

yesterdays shitty cards

todays shitty cards

happy trading ;)

The easiest way to help the broke carpenter is an upvote and maybe a resteem.

The next best way is to sign up for the fucking fastest dex on the planet - bitshares -

projects you may end up funding

  • better server

  • better network equipment (better switch/router)

  • better drives (need storage space on servers - thinking about a boinc node)

  • future servers/vms

  • need to run a bitshares node

  • need to run a steemit node

  • investigate eos

  • colocation = $650/mo

  • server = ????; (cluster @$5k/ea)

  • bills = $2k/mo

unemployment ain't gonna fix that

i got a few website/gamification ideas - but need to get network and nodes running better before jumping back to development environment


[basic income]


#life #of #a #broke #carpenter #posting #ulog #for #steemit #basicincome

© rxhector
peace ;)

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