Possibly the best trade on steemit so far, My Dragon collection is now complete.


I sacrificed the only legend I had to finish my dragon collection, but the trade was a once in a life time kind of deal.

My friend @futuremind and I were chatting away on discord yesterday, and of course Steem Monsters came up... Futuremind was telling me how he had just purchased 110 packs and how he had gotten 6 dragons in those 110 packs, but before he knew it there was no packs left to open...


So he bought 110 more....


I was shocked, but happy for him... And a little jealous to be honest (he he) then he sent me this...

I knew he had wanted the Angel of Light for quite sometime, but without him being an awesome friend I wouldn't have been so lucky. So it's thanks to him I've completed my Dragon collection. I've been so tempted to buy the Lord of darkness while it's been in the Monster Market for such a ridiculous price... But I haven't pulled the trigger yet, I have snapped up loads of other death cards, and I believe I can still make pretty effective team without having the Lord of darkness... But he just looks so cool!


You can see above I have levelled up quite a few of cards I intend to use in battle, enough to unlock their second ability anyway. I still need a few screaming banshees to unlock her second ability... Although I only now starting to realise I need alot more commons than I had anticipated. I kept thinking there is plenty of time before the actual game launches... But now we are not so far away. Luckily for me though prices in the Monster Market at the moment are crazy cheap, so hopefully I will be able to purchase some more soon!

If you haven't had a look at the monster market lately, I highly advise doing so I cannot stress how undervalued these cards currently are.

Would love to hear your thoughts and opinions, do I need the Lord of Darkness in my deck or do you think my cards will be solid enough to be able to win some battles?





(this is a referal link, you can claim 700 tokens weekly)

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Very cool .. its nice to see people helping others. Kudos to you both ...

Wow ... Awesome ... thanks for the pack. That was completely unexpected. Below is what was in it. A common gold foil and a rare that I was missing from my collection.

You're welcome!

Surprises rock ;)

I'm happy you received cards you needed!!!

Thanks for the shout out bro!

I am so excited about @steemmonsters!!!!!!




Much love!

Damn, your like Santa Claus in September! Cheers Mate.

well... there's always hope ;)

You have received a Steemmonsters upvote! This post has been upvoted by Steemmonsters Discord member, philippekiene.

Please find out more about Steemmonsters: https://steemmonsters.com/

@PhilippeKiene hey bro finally found you on steemit 🤗 nice

Hey man, I heard @o07 and @holz0r say on a streem tonight your also a fellow Queenslander. Nice one!

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