It's time for our big @steemmonsters recruitment drive by hitting the pavements of Adelaide!

in #steemmonsters6 years ago (edited)


Hi Everyone,

This is a post and commitment to myself, my guild @contestkings + #mallsballers family.

Several weeks ago I had a conversation with @yabapmatt and @aggroed about how @mattclarke @holoz0r and I want to build the @steemmonsters brand in Australia.

This would also then tie into boosting attendance at our already flourishing monthly meetups @ The Jade in Adelaide.

As a heavy investor in the game and taking a few mates under my wing already, I felt that reaching out to the creators of the game with a pitch would make sense.

Yaba helped set up a discord with @reseller and we proceeded to work out what merchandise we would arrange to help the recruitment drive.

They were very accommodating, and more than generous with the parcel they sent from the United States all the way to Adelaide, in Australia.

We were getting nervous that the package might have been lost and the hard work the guys had done could have been for nothing.

When it comes to international shipping there is always a chance your item might just not make the destination.

I was away in Thailand when it arrived, as the postal service was delayed in the shipping.

The first day I got back I headed to pick it up knowing that I would be doing a live stream with @holoz0r that night.

It's always a good time when we catch up, and his partner @ursa always makes me feel welcome.

She may just make the best malt coffee I've ever had!

Let's get back on track, I sometimes like to let my thoughts run when I'm getting excited about a new project.

So the promotional cards and shirts arrived safe and sound, with this being the first step in growing @steemmonsters downunder and out master plan for success.

Getting sizes for shirts can be hard but after some calculations with @reseller in the initial conversation, they all fit perfect even for @mattclarke and his kids you may have seen on videos prior.

This is part 1 of our plan to help grow this game, I know it's not going to be an easy task to convert people but we feel as a unit the 3 of us are more than equipped now for success.

We will be doing further posts about this and the success of our trips out to the retail outlets that have similar products in gaming and electronics.

The goal is to have 100 people signed up via the promotional codes and really take our Adelaide group to the next level.

I'm 100% invested to smash out these numbers and this post is my commitment to @yabapmatt & @aggroed who are two of the most clever and smart people I have come into contact with over my 33 years on this planet.

Thanks for stopping by and we look forward to providing further updates in the coming weeks!

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lol. when do you have your meetups. i seen a car the other day with steemit as the licence plate around the modbury area thought cool steemians live here to

Hey Michael.
That's @holoz0r in the steem-mobile.
Always great to find a new mallsballer. Last meetup for the year is on the 29th from 6pm.
The Jade - Corner of Flinders and Pulteney .
Be fantastic to see you there.

Hi Michael,

Thanks for the message.

My good friend @mattclarke has also commented above with the details for the meetup!

If your on discord I have a server set up and we have a specific Adelaide channel.

Great to see you have a @steemmonsters account and starter kit already.

I'm happy to give you a few of the physical promotional cards at the meetup for friends.

Here is a link to our discord server if you need:

cool , didn't really plan to play game. was keeping for my kids. who knows might all change now. ta. hopefully see you all at the meetup

I'm not much of a gamer, but I like that the cards are worth real money!

Yep that would be me. :) You should honked! Or Said hello!

lol i took a photo whilst driving and was gunna post it but it didnt come out well! hahaha

do it anyway! unless you deleted it! Come and get a real photo of it next Thursday at the Jade!

That car is sweet. Only seen picture but amazing to have a steem plate.

lol ill post what i have. yeah i shuda honked

We ride in the Steem Mobile!



That's weird. I just saw that same car a few days ago, and it looked like this. I guess he's acquired a few bumper stickers since then!

I hope to see some good updates with a lot of new players coming into the game.

Been playing on the testnet. Looks like it's almost ready to roll out for the next season.
Really good, balanced, challenging gameplay.
You need to pick a new team each match as the mana cap and rules change. You can see your opponent and the last few teams they played with.
Makes it far more strategic and slows the pace a little, which will help with resource credits.


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oops, have to figure out how to enlarge and turn the right way. will leave it for now. good enough for Proof of Life

Mobile uploads often turn sideways. I don't know of a fix but it's a known issue.

got it!

Should be interesting, let me know how it goes? Need details....

I wish this was in melbourne 😭😭😭

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You can make Melbourne great again!

Kevin will crush it!


I'm happy to have a Adelaide vs Melbourne guild war!

The only other melbourne player I know who kills it on steemmonsters is @hersnz

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes !I am a huge supporter for Steemmonsters!!! Steem on!!!

Posted using Partiko Android

Good luck with it @o07.

That will be so brilliant if you can get 100 people signed up and going to your meet ups in Adelaide.

If anyone can do it, you can! 😁

Good luck!
It might sound very ambitious a goal for now, but I'm sure you can do even better than that together ;)
I've seen you make success before (hint contest kings ;) )

Great read! Do you know if there is anything planned for the US adoption as well? Is Steem Monsters eventually going to set up shop somewhere?

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