Goblin Sorcerer Giveaway

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Beta Steem Monsters Giveaway

For this contest all you simply need to do is:

1.) Drop any comment below you can think of.

2.) A few main objectives here with your comments, either try to make me laugh, teach me
something about Steemit / Steem Blockchain that I didn't know or drop some knowledge on me related to Steem Monsters that helps me learn this game better, each card and/or abilities or gameplay mechanics.

I will randomly select one person for each giveaway to receive the specified free card for the giveaway.

Check out my profile on Steemit @monstermadness for more contests or upcoming contests!

Also, please check out my sponsor's giveaways and contests on his page as well @jonnyla08 for more regular Steem Monsters giveaways.

That's it!

Thanks for stopping by and checking out my giveaways. :)


The fall of the STEEM once stopped.

Well if we’re going to keep dropping might as well go out swinging right?

Posted using Partiko iOS

I'm in game and I hope to recieve your giveaway!

Posted using Partiko Android

_Goblin Soccerer really love the ball.

It is a useful card..!

I'm a lucky girl.

Goblins with magic power? This is not normal!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 64741.88
ETH 3457.21
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.55