Malric Inferno's Weekly Steem Monsters Market Analysis

monster market.png

Hey guys it's your favorite summoner from the Red team here. It's been a while but here is another weekly Steem Monster market breakdown and I'll share my opinions on the markets.

Common cards have been trading in a range from $0.07 to $0.18. The most popular cards are Flesh Golem, Feral Spirit, and Skeletal assassinr. Most commons trade on the lower end around $0.07 consistently.

Rare monsters are trading at $0.14 to $0.17. Summoners are still selling at a premium around $0.40. Players are speculating that the summoners will be more valuable, although they are not actually harder to obtain when purchasing packs.

Epics are trading at $0.48-$0.52. This is one of the best buys on the market in my opinion, especially if they fall below $0.50.

Elemental legendary are trading from $5.69 to $6.59. Dragons selling from $7.00, and Selenia Sky is around $12.50. This is a good buy in range if you don't own any.


The gold market is very volatile, with a wide range of prices in most categories.

Common gold cards are selling from $2.49 to $7.47. The most popular cards include Flesh Golem, Rexxie, Goblin Sorcerer, and Skeleton Assassin. Some clever traders are trying to control these markets by buying up everything they can.

Rare golds are trading from $6.85 to $12.75. Summoners are valued higher in the gold market as well and are selling around $20

Epic gold cards are selling from $35.00 to $45. Naga Warrior is the most valuable at this time.

Legendary gold cards are the most expensive, ranging from $1359 to $50,0000. Many were sold yesterday increasing the lowest average price.

Recommended Buys

Let me preface this by saying that I am not responsible for how you spend your Steem. I'll be recommending buys based on my opinion and nothing else. I am not a financial advisor and this is not financial advice.

Same general opinion as the last analysis.

  • #1 - Epic cards: <=$0.50
  • #2 - Rare monsters: <=0.14
  • #3 - Common cards: <=$0.05
  • #4 - Gold rare monsters <= $7.00
  • #5 - Gold commons: <= $2.50

(Artwork by @derangedvisions)*

(Banner and dividers by @calumam)*

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63126.26
ETH 2596.37
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.76