Picture Puzzles | # 35 | you love monsters

in #steemmonsters6 years ago


We play a simple game where everyone can win! Look at two pictures, find bugs and win a monster from an unopened @steemmonster booster pack.Wir spielen ein einfaches Spiel, bei dem jeder gewinnen kann! Schaue dir zwei Bilder an, finde Fehler und gewinne einen Monster aus einem ungeöffneten @steemmonster Booster Pack.
Today we play the last game of round seven. We're changing the game direction today! I want to know how many errors are in the picture below! No long explanations today, I double your power win and raise the limits! I'll give you at least 24 hours. Share your results and earn power points fast! Have fun! Good luck!Heute spielen wir das letzte Spiel in der Runde sieben. Wir ändern heute einmal die Spieleausrichtung! Ich möchte Wissen, wie viele Fehler im unteren Bild enthalten sind!! Keine lange Erklärungen heute, ich verdopple dein Power-Gewinn und erhöhe auch die Limits! Ich gebe dir mindestens 24 Stunden Zeit. Teilt eure Ergebnisse und sammelt noch schnell Power-Punkte! Habt Spaß! Viel Glück!


rules of the gameSpielregeln
The game is completely free for you! I take over everything else. Please follow the rules, you support the game! Since all bugs were found relatively quickly in the past, I adjusted the game a bit and added possibilities to give everyone the chance to win a small share. Follow the instructions in the text! Instead of ending the game immediately, I leave the game open for 24 hours. So with a comment, you still have the chance to win something, even if the game has already been solved. How much can I win? It is a game and the cards decide after 24 hours counted from comment dialog: Game start - picture check completed! Let yourself be surprised and have a little fun.Für dich ist das Spiel vollkommen kostenlos! Ich übernehme alles weitere. Bitte halte daher auch die Regeln ein, du unterstützt damit das Spiel! Da in der Vergangenheit alle Fehler relativ schnell gefunden wurden, habe ich das Spiel ein wenig angepasst und Möglichkeiten eingebaut, um jedem Interessenten die Chance zu geben, einen kleinen Anteil zu gewinnen. Folge den Hinweisen im Text! Statt sofort das Spiel zu beenden, lasse ich das Spiel jetzt 24 Stunden offen. Somit hast du durch einen Kommentar, immer noch die Möglichkeit, etwas zu gewinnen, auch wenn das Spiel bereits gelöst wurde. Wieviel kann ich gewinnen? Es ist ein Spiel und die Karten entscheiden, nach 24 Stunden gerechnet ab Kommentar-Dialog: Spielbeginn - Bildprüfung abgeschlossen! Lass dich überraschen und habe ein wenig Spaß.
Confirm this game and set an answer with a number from 1-5, as a player mark your monster card from the booster pack (1-5 from left to right), or the fictitious value. If I open a card from the EPIC or LEGENDARY class and I win it, the fictitious value in the Monster Market is distributed proportionally to the comments, which contain a number from 1-5.Bestätige dieses Spiel und setze eine Antwort mit einer Zahl von 1-5. Als Spieler kennzeichnest du mit der Zahl deine Monsterkarte aus dem Booster Pack (1-5 von links nach rechts), oder den fiktiven Wert. Öffne ich eine Karte aus der EPIC oder LEGENDARY Klasse und ich gewinne diese, wird der fiktive Wert im Monstermarkt anteilig an die Kommentare verteilt, welche eine Zahl von 1-5 enthalten.
But I don't collect monsters! I don't care if you collect monster cards! Just mention this in your comment and still add a number from 1-5. You can win more than once! I'll just turn the value of the card into power!Aber, ich sammle keine Monster! Vollkommen egal, ob du Monsterkarten sammelst! Erwähne dies nur in deinem Kommentar und schreibe dennoch eine Zahl von 1-5 dazu. Auch du kannst mehrfach gewinnen! Ich wandle einfach den Kartenwert in Power!
upper row from left to right 1,2,3, below row left to right 4,5
payments outAuszahlungen
Since monster cards already exist in the five-digit range (I have one), here is a limitation! In addition to the Steemmonsters card from the unopened booster pack, a proportional payout amount per game of max. 2 SP. For gold max. 5 SP. I give you pure power!Da es bereits Monsterkarten im fünfstelligen Bereich gibt (ich habe eine), hier eine Beschränkung! Zusätzlich zur Steemmonsters Karte aus dem ungeöffneten Booster Pack eine anteilige Auszahlungshöhe pro Spiel max. 2 SP. Bei Gold max. 5 SP. Ich schenke dir Power pur!
The price is determined on the basis of the card won for errors 1 and 2!Die Preisermittlung erfolgt anhand der gewonnenen Karte für die Fehler 1 und 2!
winners listGewinnerliste
If you are a winner, your name will be included in the winner history of future games. So you are always informed about new games.Bist du ein Gewinner, wird dein Name in der Gewinnerhistorie der zukünftigen Spiele mitgeführt. Somit bist du immer über neue Spiele informiert.
Picture check, start of game, end of gameBildprüfung, Spielbeginn, Spielende
Images often look better on my monitor than they are displayed in the image editor. Please give me some time after posting, so I can check if everything is ok. My check reference is the @busy image editor!Auf meinem Monitor sehen Bilder oftmals besser aus, als diese im Bildeditor dargestellt werden. Gebt mir bitte nach dem Posten etwas Zeit, damit ich überprüfen kann ob alles ok ist. Meine Prüf-Referenz ist der @busy Bildeditor!
The game starts as soon as I have written a start comment!Das Spiel beginnt, sobald ich einen Startkommentar geschrieben habe!
The game ends after 24 hours! The game will be cancelled within 24 hours after the end of the game!Das Spiel endet nach 24 Stunden! Die Auflösung des Spiels erfolgt innerhalb 24 Stunden nach Spielende!

game points | Spielpunkte
New: I now award points to players and prospects in every game. You can earn points if you follow the rules of the game, follow my instructions in the text, how quickly you present the solution, write comments and comment others, number of participants, registrations etc. The game is always the same. However, the text may contain hints that bring additional points and power. I give and collect these points and show the result in the history of the following game. If you registered for at least two games you will get a points power surprise after the last game!

Neu: Ich vergebe jetzt an Spieler und Interessenten Punkte in jedem Spiel. Punkte kannst du erwerben, wenn du die Spielregeln befolgst, meinen Hinweisen im Text folgst, wie schnell du die Lösung präsentierst, Kommentare schreibst und andere kommentierst, Anzahl der Teilnehmer, Anmeldungen usw. Das Spiel ist vom Aufbau immer gleich. Allerdings können im Text Hinweise enthalten sein, welche zusätzlich Punkte und Power bringen. Ich vergebe und sammle diese Punkte und zeige das Ergebnis in der Historie des folgenden Spiels. Wer sich an mindestens zwei Spiele angemeldet hatte bekommt nach dem letzten Spiel eine Punkte-Power-Überraschung!



Winners of the games

@surripio @markusgruber @foxfiction @thekitchenfairy @heyimsnuffles @igel2017 @kobusu @nolem, @poyim, @randumb, @onefatindian, @variola

@onefatindian - Winner of Legendary Gold Dragon

Winners of Powerbonus

Name, Card, Class , game
@poyim , 3, Common, 15 @onefatindian , 5, Common, 15 @igel2017 ,3, Common, 15 @karenmckersie , 5, Common, 15 @onefatindian, 3, Rare, 17 @onefatindian, 4, Rare, 19 @poyim, 4, Common, 20 @onefatindian, 5, Epic, 21 @poyim, 1 Common, 23 @onefatindian, 2, Common, 24 @onefatindian, 5, summoner, 25 @onefatindian, 2, Common, 26 @onefatindian, 4, Rare, 27 @randumb, 2, Common, 28 @onefatindian, 4, Rare, 30 @poyim, 4, Rare, 30 @randumb, 1, Rare, 31 @onefatindian, 1, Rare, 31 @poyim, 1, Rare, 31 @onefatindian, RareGOLD, 32

Winners of surprise bonus

Name, Class, Bonus
@onefatindian, Common, 5 @onefatindian, Rare, 4 @randumb, Common, 2 @onefatindian, Common, 2 @onefatindian, Epic, 3

Have fun and good luck and have a nice day.

source by @jeenger


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Hey @jeenger,

I like how you change the difficulty of the game lol This is much tougher now!!

I think I found 7 errors... but the 7th error is very tough to find... there are a few spots in the picture that could be the 7th error, or maybe there are 8 or 9 errors!!

Well, here's what I found so far:

Please let me know if I got them all or if I missed some :D


Hello @onefatindian, I'm saying it, you are great. When I took the picture, I got a phone call. After that I didn't know how many mistakes I had made. I could only find five, but I was sure there were six. Now you show me there are even seven! If the card fits later, you'll really clean up today.

Oh, what I'd like to know! Do you know the name of the lake?

Lol that's really funny, @jeenger!!!

I'm happy I found all 7. Took me a while 😀

As for the lake, I have no idea! Also, just busy today with family and friends so I don't have the time to research. Otherwise I totally would!


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Family and friends are important! Enjoy the time, @onefatindian! I'll be spending a little more time on it starting next Thursday. Got a week's leave.

Yeah, you've all made mistakes! I wanted to have at least five mistakes as a result. Who then finds the sixth mistake will get a surprise bonus. Now there are seven mistakes! LoL.

I'm sure you would have answered my question easily if it had been the time. I'll tell you now: It's my lake - it's the Erlichsee!

I'll evaluate the game now and get back to you with the results. I'll be right back!

Ahhh, Lake Erlichsee. Is it really your lake? Lol That would be amazing!

Yesterday was very busy, but I enjoyed it a lot. It was good to see some people I hadn't seen in a while.

Great to hear you have taken a week off starting next Thursday! Will you be travelling or relaxing at the lake?

That was just a use of the language! It's not my lake! I have a property there with a caravan and a permanent porch. Spend a lot of my free time there. Have peace there and can also work! All I need for my work is a notebook and a network.

I'm going to Düsseldorf this week with my wife. A caravan fair takes place there. We want to get an RV!

I see, well that makes more sense about the lake lol
Your place there looks great for some relaxation. It's a very cozy size :D

You're really an outdoors/traveler if you're in the market for an RV!
I've always loved Winnebago's, but I'm just in love with what efficiencies can be made in such a small space. It's amazing what they can do these day!

Good luck on your potential purchase :D

9? 9 bugs! Well done.

Hello @onefatindian, I have finished the evaluation. You have chosen the best card from the booster pack with card 5. It is the monster FIRE DEMON of the EPIC class!I Its value is already 0.52$. I was wondering if you could have looked under it before. Or you're damn lucky! Fun!

I'll send you the card right away. I'll refresh your power tonight, as soon as I've done the scoring. Then I only have to transfer once! It looks like you're blowing up the pool!


@onefatindian, thank you for this game and wish you and your family a wonderful day! See you later!

Wow! I should be @oneluckyindian!!! Lol
Last week, card #1 that @poyim selected was a common, so this week I went the complete opposite side of the pack with card #5. I'm getting pretty damn lucky!

I actually don't have a Fire Demon, so this is really amazing. My Steem Monster collection is growing slowly, but surely 😀

Thank-you, @jeenger! I'm on a hot streak!!

Hello @onefatindian, this round definitely went to you! I promised I'd double everything when all the bugs were found. I had a long and deep phone call during the creation and simply forgot where I had placed the errors. And obviously the number! A good friend of mine is a professor at the university and does research with the human brain. He would say more than seven things at once is too much for the ordinary person! Lol. I had more than seven!

I'm really fascinated by you. I must have looked for an hour and I gave it up and decided to leave it to you. Five mistakes I knew for sure. That there's a sixth, but where?

In the meantime I have also calculated. By the way, I'd have forgotten. You are also the winner of the round with 77 points corresponding to 0.77 power. The card is traded in the Monster Market at $0.51, which means 0.51 power. And now the surprise bonus with the double card power 2 x 0,51 power and all this as promised double!
Here in numbers:

@onefatindian you're amazed! I was also amazed when I saw my thoughts evaluated on the monitor! I've increased your power by about 10 points in this round and I've put your @SteemMonsters collection in a good position. I say, you really deserve this! How I make my reward pool you can read later in a post!

I thank you for the games and would like to welcome you to the next round.

Have fun all the time!

I must have looked for an hour and I gave it up and decided to leave it to you.

This was definitely an interesting spin on the game, not knowing how many errors there were lol
Made it quite tough, and I love a good challenge!

Here in numbers:

This is crazy! I can't believe I won 4.6 STEEM!!!!
Where are all the other players!!?
I can't believe no one else is rushing to play this game every time you post a new challenge.

@jeenger, you've given me SOOO much from this. I'm not sure how I could repay you.
If there's anything that I can do for you, please let me know.


I love your hustle! How much content you put out is amazing. Keep going. Love from Germany! PS Just upvoted and started following you :D

Hello @leonchaudhari, thank you! I read once, Steem only grows when you post a lot! Another wrote, even if you can't think of anything, post a picture or meme etc. That was too easy for me! From a memory of a dear man and my love for the monsters this game developed!


Image verification complete! Good luck and have fun!
Bildprüfung abgeschlossen! Viel Glück und habe Spaß!


Card #5!

The game was ended by @onefatindian!

Today's prize pool.

If I have a gold card from the last unopened @steemmonsters booster pack, today's limit is 10 SP. Pure power! The card, which is opened earliest at 18.08. 24 o'clock, decides!

The game has already been solved. You can still score points by signing up here in the game or by comments and if a Legendary or Epic card comes into my possession win! But feel completely free from any obligation! Have fun

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