My entry for @goldmatters contest - The Golden Dragon's hoard

in #steemmonsters6 years ago (edited)

Gold is Money and Money is Gold - This phrase sums up my economic creed. But there is a deeper consequence when Human beings use money. It is my understanding that when gold is used as a medium of transaction the underlying trust between two people is what allows the gold to be what it is.

Thus, I find that men and women willing to foster financial trust and honesty in the present economic environment are the ones that are the true source of money in this world. Did you find my argument serious? Did you find my reasoning a bit idealistic? Or is it possible that those serious words resonated with you?

@goldmatters has inspired me to understand what gold and bullion can do for my investment portfolio. But more than that he has inspired me to acquire a better understanding of what a gold investment should be like - 24K Menē obviously!

Let me make it simple – This post is about a GOLDEN DRAGON. Which means Gold + Dragon! If those two words aren’t taken seriously, then there is a good chance that we might regret it. All things considered, I still enjoy talking about it. If something is ‘serious business’ that doesn’t mean that a man can’t enjoy it. Particularly when it deals with something that he loves – Dragons and Gold 😊

In the lair of Dragon King
There was a single cling!
Sound had come from atop the hoard
On top of it sat a Dragon bored

His eyes where made of ire
Even as he breathed out fire
This was no normal beast
Not to be trifled with in the least

For he was the one with the hoard of gold
He collected it all and not a carat he sold
Unchallenged he sat atop his hoarded throne
To collect it all was what he had sworn

But after more than a thousand year
He had waited long enough to finally appear
He had been told of a prized possession
And for it he had developed an obsession
(An original by @hashcash)

So, what do you think this prized possession is? Ladies and gentleman, without further ado let me present you this prized object that even the Golden Dragon wants:

It is obviously a Menē gift card. Surprised? I was too…………... see the thing is that I thought that the Golden Dragon was going to be attracted to a single golden object. But in reality, Dragons are highly intelligent creatures. They know that Menē 24K can be trusted. A dragon can see the purity of gold from its discerning eye and he can hear the truth in @goldmatters words with his highly discerning ears.

The Dragon knows the value of gold, but it knows the value of trust even better. He has lived for thousands of years and his wisdom is beyond compare.

The Golden Dragon understands that Menē is forever. So why would he limit himself to one single object when he can have any. All he has to do is to use the Menē gift card and summon the prettiest Menē piece on the catalogue. The best part is that he can buy as many cards as he wants and do it whenever the fancy strikes him!

PS: I already have this Legendary card but that is not going to stop me from trying to acquire another one, just like a dragon 😊


Awesome dragon!


Gold is money, this is why the price is being suppressed. The banks cannot let it rise because everyone would abandon the Fiat ( play money ). This can’t last forever, i can wait. 😎

Good times are bound to come for smart people!

Thank you for you entry @hashcash!! Well done :)

Really enjoyed writing it!
This contest makes me want to re-watch 'The Hobbit' trilogy got the umpteenth time :-)

Yes!! I am sure you remember my Lord of the Rings blogs recently :)

I remember that one!

Me too! Barely..

You're deep in the zone @hashcash. I hope you increase your gold reserves..

Thanks man. Really hoping to add some gold to my portfolio and soon.

Dang, you did a great job! One, I love your poem. Two, I love your creative gift card ending! You're right! A dragon wouldn't want to settle for just one item!! Lol genius way to get all the items! Haha

LOL! Thanks!

A dragon definitely won't settle.

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