Hot Hot Booster Packs! - Legendary -steemCreated with Sketch.

A long pause and the card starts to shake and a rumbling sound...



I was so pumped to see this baby flip over! I love the way the game gives that huge run-up anticipation when your getting a good card! The whole pause and shaking is seriously such a great feeling, especially after getting my ass kicked trying to win 5 damn battles with an off-element.
Getting this 1 card after loosing a ton of ranking points was definitely worth it!
I'm figuring to go 1 more day for the daily challenge booster pack, and then make the run for the leader board. I'm pretty sure it's going to get really tough once making it into the GOLD tier, as being in silver3 is already tough enough to get through the daily challenge. I figure it's going to take some time and upgrading to even get through the silvers.
Lots of good players playing some over-powered cards already..

Anyways, as cool as the HYDRA card is, being neutral, I'm not exactly sure how it fits into my current sets. It's kind-of expensive to use, and I've noticed that when facing it as a front fighter it kind-of just gets destroyed right away. Maybe get a monster with tank heal behind it for a double effect?

  • Feel free to throw out some ideas.

But, In the meantime, I'm going to test this baby out!

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Gratz! Gl in the push I think it is wise to be considering doing that soon. Last few seasons people waited till around 3 day mark. With how much has changed its wise to go a bit sooner then that. All that really matters is getting higher rank then cards you would have gotten from doing dallies.

If nothing else and you hit the wall you can then try and spam dallies out since it goes based off your highest achieved and now where you ended for the season rewards.

Yeah, I'm already hitting a wall.
It seems the more experienced players with over-powered cards are making the move through silver tier right now and kicking my ass along the way.
Its hard to compete when your facing a guy with all gold cards, or lvl5 commons.

I'm beginning to think, I won't make it far on the leaderboards this season... I think I'll be happy if I can get to GOLD 2.
There is just too many upgrades I need to compete.

HYDRA is a Great Card, I have one leveled UP to 3 just need to get it to Level 4 MAX next.................

damn, level 3! How many did that take - 5 cards? How many is lvl 4 gonna take?
Thats an expensive card.
What makes it so great or what element do you pair it with

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