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RE: My thoughts and tips on Steem Monsters Season 3

in #steemmonsters6 years ago (edited)

I feel it is a pain to set up the deck every single time and I agree that X is SMALL!
I have almost gotten a surrender error multiple times and sometimes the blockchain lags a bit and gives me a double submitted deck error, especially when I have to recalculate the mana cost everytime and the deck composition.
I would like to see enemy surrenders counted toward the win count.

On the newbie front and even for experienced users the jump from a deck of 1 stars to a higher ranked bronze player who has access to level 3 cards creates a gap that cannot be bridged and I would definitely agree that a newbie strategy guide should consider the aspect of trying to stay in the novice vs Bronze I league for a new player.

With a basic composition deck I feel it really does make it harder for new users to learn deck composition intuitively and needs a better tutorial, that said we are getting there one step at a time and I look forward to campaign mode which will address these issues.


Agreed. When you see the same game restrictions pop up, you just wanna hit the 'use last team' button and then make small modifications from there.
Noobs should just stay in Novice. The jump from a level 1 common to level 3 is huge and honestly can't be beaten.
I keep suggesting the matchmaking needs to match like summoner levels first regardless of the league. ie. If I play a level 1 summoner I want to be matched with one. Only then is it a real 1 v 1 battle.

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