
I think two things are at play here rather than software. One, the player base is small enough it can still be tough to find equal rankings, especially at off peak hours. With more activity this’ll continue to improve.

Two, depending on how much people play, the start of a new season can have a big effect. I’ve put some money & time into my collection and am fairly good with some strong cards. But I don’t play a lot so I’ve never advanced as far up the rankings as I’m sure I could. Therefore, when the season resets I’m almost always still dropping back into silver league. So those first days of a new season the lower leagues can be flooded with stronger players until they’ve re-played their way back up to gold & beyond. At season reset, every league floods with players & decks that may be maxed out for the given league making for a bit of tough competition for those who genuinely fall in that leagues skill/power range.

So while I don’t think it’s explicitly software related, the model itself could use some tweaking if this persists as an issue. But I think a larger player base will make this largely unnoticeable in the future.

So you're saying that prior season rank and number of champion points aren't part of the matching algorithm, and should never be included? That sounds like a software problem (oversight) to me?

There is always room for improvement in software; and this is a clear case where simply using rankings is inadequate.

The small player base isn't exactly true, and the new season started approximately 3? Days ago, so the higher powered/ranked individuals should be up in their ranks by now.

As much as I've been matched against higher ranks, I should have equally (or at least comparably) been matched against lower ranks as well.

In any event, I'm still playing, albeit significantly less than if I were actually playing a reasonable series of competitors. The code desperately needs to be adjusted if they want this to be a successful endeavor for players at all levels, and not just those at the top.

I don't know if those factors are presently included or not, I just know that current league level is the main deciding factor as that is what is used to place limits on cards.

I do think player base is a large factor. Right now there are about 2,000 daily active players. There are six leagues but let's just divide by roughly 3 and round up for benefit of the doubt as the biggest player concentrations are in bronze through gold I'm sure. That leaves about 700 competitors in your league on a given day. Personally, I only play for maybe a half an hour a day. But let's divide that by 24 hours in the day as an estimate that some people play more or you may be playing during peak hours. We're down to about 30 people in your potential player pool at any given time. If your current rating is in the 1300s with the silver league scale ranging from 1000-1900, there may be twice as much chance you'll encounter a higher scored player in your match. So you're down to just 10 possible "good" matchups if those folks happen to be clicking the find a battle button at the same time as you. I'd also wager that scores weight more heavily to the top end of the league scale as people tend to start stalling out there as they encounter even stiffer competition at the league borders. In any rate, I still think this can resolve largely with scale (and yes, algorithm tweaks if they're not already in place). The only short term solution would be to show more "A suitable matchup cannot be found for you at this time" messaging which isn't a good player experience either.

There is definitely a balance between providing a message that "a suitable match up is unavailable" and placing players against considerably uneven odds. Both situations are discouraging for the user.

Acknowledging that there are many more ways to improve the matching algorithm, it would seem to be the more logical next step to actually update (or at least test some updates) while the user base is smaller as opposed to having mass adoption and a subsequent mass exodus to where people have a bad taste in their mouth.

I've come to very much the same conclusions!

What happened? Bad update?

No, bad interpretation :)

It seems you have played little this season and left behind - not many players have lower rating. Those with higher one not necessary have stronger decks... But people improve decks and get stronger, so as well on average your cards may be weaker than a week ago.

You're making quite a few incorrect assumptions. Did you look at my entire history? I've played since the beginning of this season.

Your logic is flawed: how could I be left behind and still matched up with Superior players?

The players I'm facing have prior season ranks near 5000, my Max prior season ranks are in the 2200 range. That's a flaw

You have played only two or three dozens of games or so during the past week. Your recent opponent had highest rank ever 522. Someone with rank 5000 last season would be reset to ~2800 and is unlikely (although maybe possible) you would play him. Can you post the link to such a battle of yours?


So it seems my assumptions are correct.

Yes, I often meet much stronger opponents, too. I guess it's organized as is partly due to liquidity, so you don't have to wait an hour for a battle despite limited number of players. I have even proposed a different format of leagues. I expect tournaments will solve this problem a bit.

Ok, cool. How about we cherry pick my most recent matches from this season (which are the cause for my post), shall we?

Now, let's look at my profile:

Sure, highest rank of 901 belongs in matches with 4 consecutive players in the highest rank range of 67 - to - 133.. Yup, that makes sense.. I yield to your points..

The players I'm facing have prior season ranks near 5000, my Max prior season ranks are in the 2200 range. That's a flaw

You haven't answered which of your opponents had ~5000 points last season...

What is the aim of the cherry-picking? For once, bot @lovter did not place (with his mostly level 1 cards) 120th last season, it was earlier. Also, if you call cards level ONE opponent powerful - I'm speechless.

I'm speechless from how little you read and review my responses. My cherry picking actually did answer your question. And the aim of my cherry picking was explained in my post.

Please read my previous response.

Cheers 👍

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