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RE: Okay, I can go to sleep now.

That's a hard question because of all the trading and everything I have done, also, I got lucky early on and pulled a Gold Foil Elemental Phoenix alpha card (which is what hooked me) and have since managed to land several other good cards just from buying a few packs here and there. I really couldn't give you an honest answer on how much I have actually "invested" though.


Well... you certainly made it all the way with that... picture me impressed!

I've bought hardly any booster packs but mostly just the cards I needed from the market... in hindsight... maybe it would have been smarter to buy boosters and then trade the loot for what I'd have needed...

Well, I'm new here and learning as I go, either way, the way this game is set up on the blockchain totally impresses me... it's like cryptokitties on steroids... maybe that comparison doesn't really work, but I'm excited to see where this goes either way!

I'm stoked to be sitting up there right now that's for sure :) As far as Cryptokitties on Steroids, you are absolutely right, thought it may not be a perfect comparison, I think it's pretty close to exactly how I would describe it to some people :)

I hope to see you on the battlefield! Tournaments will be starting in a month or two and literally everyone will be able to compete with as little as a starter pack!

Hope you score some goodies in your next booster packs :)

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