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RE: Angela's Steemmonsters Adventure - #2 - JUST Made Diamond III For First Time - Tuesday, November 13, 2018 - ULOG #38

in #steemmonsters6 years ago

What a great Steem Monsters Post!! I love this! I love your energy, I am the same til I nod off hahaha!! It is too much fun and it's crypto so hey! Win! Win! :-)
Angel of Light (793px, 5fps) (1).gif


Hi, @clove71!!! Thanks so much!!!

First, apologies. I upvoted and thought I came back and responded but just realized I didn't during the crazy past couple days.

YEP! Total Win/Win!!!

I'm bitten by the Steemmonsters bug gooooood! ;) It is fun and learning every day is amazing. I've been trying to figure out how to watch any Steemmonster player's replay... those not on the leaderboard.... and JUST learned that earlier. Yayyyy!!!! Now it will be unending learning. ;)

Awesome! Cool so you found the little search bar where your name is right above your battles and you can enter anyone else's name there instead and watch their battles. Very nice!

You know when you see something and....

  1. You notice it but you're flying too fast to even pause long enough to check what it is?

  2. You notice it but it doesn't even click that you could check to see what it is?

I don't even know which one applies to that specific little search icon. I MUST have noticed it, right? Have NO memory of it or if it registered enough for me to be curious about it.... WHO knows, @clove71? ;)

Because I'm now focusing a bit more on learning from other players' battle choices, I did reach out to someone and ask how to watch replays of players not on the leaderboard and the person was kind enough to point me to that search thingy.

Whew!!! SO easy but how long would I have gone on missing it if not for that person's kindness? SOOOO happy!!! AND grateful.

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