My favorite 27 Mana Cap Steem Monsters Battles!

in #steemmonsters6 years ago (edited)

Elemental Phoenix (689px, 5fps).gif
Hi all! Here are my favorite battles from the new mana of 27! Summoners have no power- they are silent-

I finally got a nice Hydra win! Made this team in a second, lol!

@fulltimegeek Nice win!!!

Another team I just made- blasts magic lol!

A great Death Squad

Have fun everyone!

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undeadpriest (2).png


May the Monsters be with you.

Chris Love @clove71
Steem Monsters Rep.


@cLove71... Thank You Chris for sharing Your insights/experience...

You really are a very giving person (( I've seen some of the kind things You've done 4 people...))

Also... This GIF is Spectacular !!!

Elemental Phoenix (689px, 5fps).gif

If I make a Post, may I use this GIF (( I will credit it's creation to You ))

Cheers Chris !!

Thanks so much! I am glad you are here, it makes it more fun to play! I am up now , it is early,working on the leaderboard again lol!


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