6 free to use Steemmonsters EmojissteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemmonsters6 years ago (edited)


In my last post I gave 6 Steemmonsters Emojis to the Community and i got some very positive feedbacks.

Today I have made 6 more Steemmonsters Emojis for you guys.

Use them everywhere you want, like in Discord, Telegram, Twitter,.. you can also use them as Stickers or whatever comes to your mind.

If you do so consider to give me credit for my work.


You can claim the previous Emojis [Here]

HNWT6DgoBc14riaEeLCzGYopkqYBKxpGKqfNWfgr368M9UwJbYh8JTRyssHPMJ55PpKLKcgzmVbSnNL9Uw6DVKZSURDNYMYt4aw8FF6dGfH1tebUQpM4nBqMCCW (1).jpeg

I found out that this size works the best as Icons







just download the Icon and paste it where ever you want... tada ! 31C95E3F-1C08-4C45-9439-20AA6808B54F.png

If you like my Emojis, Resteem this post to your followers.

Follow me for more orginal Illustrations


Illustration Service for STEEMPOWER

100 % Orginal works

100 % Power up!

Stay Creative!


Hi Bronkong,
Those emojis are cute and it’s a creative way for people who are into SteemMonsters to express themselves. Nice job and thanks for bring value to the community!
I have followed you and resteemed this post.

Yeah i was thinking about how i can give something back to the Community and here we go. Thank you for the support@shortsegments it means alot! k75bsZMwYNtze9xHvT6xWCdz7q3QGD35ZKdaPpVrFksWkChwHYY9dkQi5qmy8ENPAaHhTMrTx2ukXt6CdJ3kNtxegX43yzbC4yydT1LHUhJLZLjDbwX1X6ZUiNfHM6Ws5V6a13eTiKnLqX5bnN1zbY8T9wV8AxLF8.png

It’s my pleasure.

These are so cute, awesome job k75bsZMwYNtze9xHvT6xWCdz7q3QGD35ZKdaPpVrFksWkAocd49eEiYUDecfL2sX7mo7AFAkPtZptLxn4Krc6vv7ZXMDSyJ4PALSdFXR58bWT4SAHW4taSGoMbumyHU7bVjwTUYKhQnKa3krP5hRpWMM6isbG19Tt.png

Wow, da hast du echt was geleistet lieber @bronkong. :-))) Einsame spitze die Kerlchen & Weibchen :-)

Ja hab mir gedacht das könnte was nützliches für die schnell wachsende Steemmonster Community sein cyxkEVqiiLy2ofdgrJNxeZC3WCHPBwR7MjUDzY4kBNr81MTrpW4SejDQzMpfFHh8KBHpp1AteRMZFBskRsd5qMNB2eYX24XrVG6oFZupq4TLG188sYMjj66rGVwhZYr7JRL.png

einfach mal geresteemed. Solch Aktivismus sollte bestimmt den ein oder anderen interessieren.

Ja geil so lob ich mir das k75bsZMwYNtze9xHvT6xWCdz7q3QGD35ZKdaPpVrFksWkAocd49eEiYUDecfL2sX7mo7AFAkPtZptLxn4Krc6vv7ZXMDSyJ4PALSdFXR58bWT4SAHW4taSGoMbumyHU7bVjwTUYKhQnKa3krP5hRpWMM6isbG19Tt.png

Lol these are so cute! I hope they get added to the SM discord if they're not already <3

Yeah would be awesome. Contestkings discord has them allready implemented k75bsZMwYNtze9xHvT6xWCdz7q3QGD35ZKdaPpVrFksWkCdjHypQZUvzXSQqTCvVbUNhoAR6wnRRaiz4Vo5bySDBumYBnfB1SkvKkyabcFnhscRqDmruZijatiLNtedNNBsqqK1FjwKM6Xsvvg6gKb62S3SQLWojL.png

Thank you 😊

Im really loving the Mischievious Mermaid Emoji and have been using in posts and giving you a special mention at the end ! I just now changed my image profile (avatar) picture to it , see it lol ?! it works really great for that , thanks again @bronkong , great job, I love them! k75bsZMwYNtze9xHvT6xWCdz7q3QGD35ZKdaPpVrFksWkAocd49eEiYUDecfL2sX7mo7AFAkPtZptLxn4Krc6vv7ZXMDSyJ4PALSdFXR58bWT4SAHW4taSGoMbumyHU7bVjwTUYKhQnKa3krP5hRpWMM6isbG19Tt (1).png

Hey nice this looks cool, happy you like it 😊

Thanks, and your very welcome 👍😊

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh Wow ! Haha what a fantastic job @bronkong ! I love them and will be sure using the Mischivous Mermaid one and possibly others, I really like the cool Rexie too! depend on the post or commnt, lol! thanks for letting me know they were out!Upped and resteemed! 💕❤
I tried to copy it and this whati get!?

EDIT: Will try to upload it then get it from photos instead:
k75bsZMwYNtze9xHvT6xWCdz7q3QGD35ZKdaPpVrFksWkAocd49eEiYUDecfL2sX7mo7AFAkPtZptLxn4Krc6vv7ZXMDSyJ4PALSdFXR58bWT4SAHW4taSGoMbumyHU7bVjwTUYKhQnKa3krP5hRpWMM6isbG19Tt (1).png
Ok that worked , lol, thanks!

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