Filters Added to @steemmonsters Block Explorer

in #steemmonsters6 years ago


Filters Added!

I knew this was a key feature so I dug in deeper to find a way to get this implemented quickly.

Check out the update

As you see, I literally ripped this out from the site to push this out the door quickly. If you were to quantify design skills, my score would be a negative number, so just grabbing the existing filter interface made sense as for a quick solution. I'm not exactly keen on literally stealing their work but I consider this temporary and I'm going to refactor everything to get this all cleaned up. That said, if this is an issue please let me know.

This entire project is still what I'd call a proof of concept and this code is about as sloppy as you'd expect for something I banged out in an afternoon. That said, please let me know of bugs or really any issues you run into.

And of course, any ideas for new features to add in. This gets even more fun with each passing day.

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