Have you ever lost motivation to play Steem Monsters? / Steem MonstersのモチベーションについてsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemmonsters5 years ago

I play Steem Monsters less crazily these days. In other words I play it modestly. Good for my boyfriend because he worried that I was too much into the game ;)

It's still fun and I'm happy to think about how can I team up monsters effectively in limited time. But some process becomes routine. For example I tend to use Earth or Water sprinter. Sometimes I make an experimental team but mostly I use the team I get used to to win a battle. The monsters I use is almost fixed. For example Flesh golem, Wood nymph and Mushroom seer or Earth elemental up to the mana cap.

スクリーンショット 2019-03-05 9.32.10.png

So I don't use my brain much more comparing to the time I started playing Steem Monsters. It's one of the reasons I spend less time on it. Also others get stronger and stronger ... Another question is that how will it be if all of our cards level up to 10 (not happening in the near future though). It's an interesting topic to design a long lasting game. I started reading other games such as Magic the Gathering :)

Buying booster packs and cards may bring me to upper league and my passion may come back. Now I'm wondering I shall do so or not.

Have you ever lost your motivation to play Steem Monsters? Could you recover your motivation? If so how?

最近Steem Monstersを1日に何時間もプレーしなくなりました。適度にプレーしていると言うといいかもしれません。お父ちゃんはゲームにどっぷりはまった経験がなく、私がプレーしまくっているのを見て大丈夫かいなと思っていたようで安心したことでしょう。こんなんで心配されては子どもの頃のはまりっぷりはみせられません・・・w


あとは、近い将来にはありえませんが、みんなカードを獲得したり買ったりでどんどん強くなって、カードが例えばレベル10になるといった飽和状態になったらどうなるんだろう。ゲームとしてこのあたりどう考えられているのか、長くプレーされるゲームのデザインに興味があります。気になってMagic the Gatheringについてもどんなゲームか読み始めました。




Hi @akipponn! You know several times I caught myself that I am loosing my motivation to play when I meet from battle to battle bots with one team with much higher level. Also I should say that current reward system and cards also makes me lazy to play. The same useless cards during several month not good imo. But maybe tournanents will return my interest to game.

Posted using Partiko Android

Good to hear you feel/felt lazy for playing Steem Monsters. Challenging tournaments are good advice. I’ve never participated a tournament. I must try it :) Thanks a lot for your comment!

Posted using Partiko iOS



私も以前に比べてモチベーションが下がってきましたが、カードが売れてSTEEMが少しずつでも溜まるのは嬉しいですね。だから続けていこうと思ってます :D



ひところと比べて落ち着きましたが多分今のペースがいいペースでゆっくりゆっくり行こうと思います 😊

Posted using Partiko iOS

I am an automatic upvote bot, only for #steemmonsters, #steemmonster. If i liked your post, you will get an upvote. Only for Steemmonsters. Once a day, i published the posts, that have recieved an upvote.

My motivation goes up and down - right now it's down. But it's the same with writing posts... Well, that will come again :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Good to know there is up and down. Not just down. I wait until my motivation comes back ... but now time to play daily quest :D

My motivation is continue to play withouth spending steem because I need work with my curation trail and I need more SP. Now I have a lease request 500SP in delegationhub.

Posted using Steeve, an AI-powered Steem interface

I also try to play is without spending Steem/SBD as much as possible :D It's an interesting coincidence. I've just read about delegationhub today.

Steemmonsters からずっと離れていたのですが、前のシーズンの時、1日最低5バトルしようと決めて始め、結構勝てたので1週間くらい楽しかったのですが、飽きてしまい、気づいたら新しいシーズンが始まっていました^^;

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