Suggested feature for steemmonsters gameplay.

in #steemmo6 years ago (edited)

Just saw @aggroed's stats show, where he discussed some of the ways the combat system will work.

I noticed he mentioned there wasn't a great deal of chance built into the game as it stands, so I have a suggestion.

When a player chooses a card, they also choose a temperament (for the whole match).
This means there are 16 ways to configure their 4 cards, and adds some chance to the outcome.

I'm not glued to the percentages or names; just throwing it out there as a suggestion.

Let us know what you think, in the comments.

As always, have a great day


I love this idea man, there definitely needs to a some way to add a bit more depth to the battles and have the outcome much less predictable. You could do the same with some sort of dice roll mechanic too, so make the %'s in line with a D6 kinda thing.

Absolutely. I like the idea of two directions, from lower left to upper right, the card's behaviour gets less predictable. From lower right to upper left, it's on the back foot, through to the front.
(You're fighting back near your own crew, so there's a chance of injuring one, or you're fighting in amongst the enemy, so there's a chance of wounding them all)
Temperaments could be chosen very easily just by clicking on a certain quadrant when selecting the card, and the art could change when you mouse hover over it, to reflect each temperament.
In a game with very little visual output it'd add another dimension, and people love to customise.
Imagine specialised items which give an extra bonus, but lock in a given temperament while equipped.

Something like this will do nicely!

Anything to give the underdog (less wealthy) player a chance.

That's a cool idea. Hopefully the potential negative side-effects wouldn't be as drastic as that. Seems like people might get too turned off by the potential to do more damage to themselves than to the enemy. (You did say you're not glued to the percentages though, so I won't belabor the point.)

I'd still like Regular to be a valid choice, though. Then those who don't want to use different temperaments, (guys who don't feel lucky, or just like to play a pure stat based game) won't be underpowered against opponents.

I'd still like Regular to be a valid choice, though. Then those who don't want to use different temperaments...

Can this apply to real life? Because I'd like to apply to that. I feel like sometimes that my card got set on "wacky" mode, and I'd really like to get back to "measured" ... as you so delicately put it. AKA, normal. ;)

That'll be the problem suspending disbelief. It's the least credible concept in the game.

That is a very adorable photo with you and your daughter (is that Evelyn?) Sounds good. Thanks for sharing.

That's my Evelyn. She beat me here too. Cut my arm off and threw me off a space station.

ooooo the cutest picture ever!

I am hoping that someone like me, ( Read snek with a love for amazing and pretty looking card and no knowledge about card games at all.)) Can sometimes be able to win a game by being the underdog or undersnek...

that's a great idea... to me its crucial that an underdog can win a match every now and then... Strategy and luck has to dance to the tune, or this will get boring too quick.

You're speaking my language. You want something that sits on top of all the other game mechanics, so you're not playing around with too many things at once. This could be calculated as a final step after everything else.
I've seen some real brilliance from the guys building this thing, so I'd be interested to hear how it's received.

I haven't hopped on to the Steem monsters train yet, but I had to say that I do admire your book shel...err, I mean, booze shelves.

That's my mate's house. I admire those shelves whenever I'm there.
No way booze lasts that long at my place.

Hahaha, he has good taste from what I can tell. Not to mention a pretty sick sound system.

Frenzied looks imba, the benefits are higher than the potential self-damage to one card. Should be to the whole board on both sides.

Thanks for the feedback :)
Frenzied gives a slightly better result early, but once an opponent has had a char knocked out, or two, it becomes less helpful. (Assuming a temperament would be locked in for the entire match)
First draft though, so I'm sure it'd change a lot before being adopted. (And then again afterward, as the game evolves)

True, games like this are always going through balance changes and meta shifts!

Absolutely; but now's the time to speak up. A year from now, suggestions to completely revisit the combat system aren't going to get much of an airing :)

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