TIL - My Cats Love to Eat Mint and So Do I. Some Fun Minty Facts.

in #steemmeow7 years ago

Mint is a relative of Catnip and so it's perfectly healthy for them to eat. It's pretty healthy for us people too especially when in it's chocolate chip ice cream.

My cat's have been eating my Ikea decorations which I thought were fake but must be chemical treated real sticks and branches. It came with the apartment, I didn't buy but they manage to fit in. I chase them away from it when I catch them but I can't be home all the time. I was trying to grow some cat grass but my bigger cat would pull them out before they really got to a healthy size and then he would dig the dirt all over the floor.


I was passing by the local plant shop I go by daily by all the little street food vendors. I took a quick scan but nothing from @virtualgrowths post last month was popping out. https://steemit.com/cats/@virtualgrowth/safe-plant-cats Using my broken Chinese I asked the worker if they had any plants cats could eat and they brought me a nice healthy Mint plant. It cost 10RMB that's like a $1.50US deal, sold!

I got home and put it on the floor and they cats did a take few bites but mostly they smelled it and stuck their noses right in to the leaves. They must have been really missing fresh plants in my home. I have trees outside and keep the windows open so they get fresh but it'snot the same. Afterwards they went back to sleep.

I was interested in why Mint was good for cats. I got online and Today I Learned that Mint is related Catnip so the smells, at least to their highly tuned noses, are similar. I have never smelled fresh Catnip so I can't say. The essential oils in Mint will make your cat sick so don't let them eat candies or toothpaste. Cats also shouldn't indulge in the fresh mint leaves as too much can give them upset stomachs which equals barfing and having to clean it up.

I will probably eat a bunch of it too. I like mint, it's great excuse to make Mojito's. Though it does have a lot health benefits for us human's too. Let's take a quick peak at why you should eat it too.

(image http://www.twopinkcanaries.com/health-benefits-of-mint-leaves/)

It's also used in several magic potions. Wicca is loves the stuff
➊ Break Magic Spells
➋ Keep Evil Spirits Away
➌ Reverse the effects of some potions and poisons

It probably comes down to it's medicinal benefits.


Thanks for the mention and enjoy the mint with your steemmeow.

I should get a pot of this so I can make some tea.

I have mint in my garden an when i go to my garden they go crazy rubbing themselves on me an sniffing me an playing with my leg so now im assuming its the mint because they dont do that when i go to my front garden. I never knew that about mint! I have 2 girl cats and they are both indoor cats because i love wild birds too much for them to go outside an bring me a "gift" lol. Great post :)

They must be smelling it on you. I remember when I was kid growing up in the countryside we had some cats they would go in and out all day and sometimes they brought gifts of moles and birds. People say only humans hunt for sport. lol.
thanks for reading. Laura

exactly lol, lmao thats true! Its no problem. I liked it :) it was a interesting post :)

Maybe I should get a mint plant. Then my cats might leave my stuff alone. Today I left my plate of spaghetti to go get a drink. Came back and one of the cats had eaten half the plate. I'm not a fan of mint myself but if the cats loved it I'd buy a bunch of them.

Your cats will love you ever for getting mint. Make sure its a heavy pot its in so it doesn't fall over when thy peck at it. I saw on a documentry about Rome many years ago that people there feed the alley cats let over pasta otherwise I wouldn't have thought cats like pasta, but they it too. lol
thanks for reading

I grow mint in my backyard, in a seperate pot, to keep it from spreading everywhere. It's so tasty for my tea! I used it in a chocolate fudge cake/pie/whatever aswell, which was soooo yummy. Chocolate and mint is a heavenly combination :D

I am not at all surprised you grow mint. Do you just drink straight Fresh Mint tea or you combo you like?

I drink straight fresh mint tea. Just add a bit of honey :-)

I really enjoyed this. My cats eat every plant inside and outside the house haha...and SteeMint is awesome. I want gum now :-D

Thanks Mm. Cats seem to like veggies.

Mint is also good to apply to a tick, they die almost immediately and then it is easier to remove, the tick from both pets and humans. I have it planted around my garden.

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