#STEEMLORDS - Lord Percival - The Final Chapter. It twists and turns like a twisty, turny thing!

in #steemlords7 years ago (edited)


Lord Percival was supremely happy with himself.

His medical examination had been thorough and he'd passed with flying colours. While the Dr and the TimeTravelNurse slept peacefully the lothario was formulating an idea.

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Lord Percival had no trust in the Criminalians he'd met and picked up in the shire so decided the best thing to do was to ditch them somewhere safe and carry on alone, he didn't want the baggage of a half dead halfwit and his sidekick, as soon as they landed he would ditch the unwanted passengers and be on his merry way.

But as he was reading the instructions (initially thrown away) as to how to use the magic box, events were suddenly taken out of his hands. Out of nowhere the whole room started to disappear from around him, he looked at his hand as it disappeared too, what was happening?
Then as if by magic he was somewhere else, somewhere damp and foreboding. As he looked around he noticed others appearing around him, the Knights of the STEEMLORDS were gathering but how, what magic was this.

An ghostly apparition of a man with unusual sun markings appeared in front of him, then the man started to speak.......


"G'day Steem Lords - You each came here believing that you were destined be the one 'Lord to the Steem'. Instead you have found each other, and this is beautiful. For not all is as it seems. For when I arrived in Camelot, I too sought to be 'Lord of the Steem'." I have brought youse here under false pretenses... as I need your help. Eternia, along with many other Cartoon Kingdoms are under siege. Without your help now - we are all doomed but eh!"


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"What?!" bellowed Lord Percival, "This was a bloody ruse all along?"

"I am He-Man - Master of the Universe!" the man formally known as SirKnight said.

"So bloody what mate, I'm Lord Percival - Master of the bedroom! was the reply. "What do you want? I had a good thing going with my medical team and the magic flying box."

"The Universe is in great peril Lord Percival and your unique skills are required in further quests." He-Man explained.

Lord Percival looked around the room at the others assembled. Not one said a word such was their incredulity. Princess Loki and Chooxena appeared particularly devastated, Lord Percival instantly knew the reason for their ire.

"Ladies, it is lovely to finally meet you both. I have heard many stories of your beauty and bravery however I can say right here and now that they were understated."

"Oh Lord Percy." they both giggled in reply.

"Would you like to return with me to my magic box for some rest and recreation now this is over?"

"Do you have Vegan food? inquired

"And a shower? added Princess Loki.

"I have everything you could ever desire ladies including an excellent medical team that will give you a thorough once over."

Chooxena and Princess Loki could barely contain their exitement at finally meeting the legendary Lord Percival. They huddled together and smiled, no words were needed.

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"Sirknight....err, I mean He-Man, send me back to my magic box at once." demanded Lord Percival.
"Will you return to help save Eternia?" replied the bare chested hero.
"I will but I have something I need to do first, two things in fact." he grinned. "Actually four things."
"Very well I will return you providing you promise to return?"
"Deal!" said Lord Percy, his fingers crossed behind his back.

Almost instantly the Magnificent one was back on the deck of the TARDIS with the two new conquests smiling at him alluringly.
Then two became four as the Dr and TimeTravelNurse entered the room. Lord Percival looked at the four intrepid females and with a glint in his eye said.....
"Doctor and Nursie, meet Chooxena and Princess Loki, I suggest we put the TARDIS on auto pilot and get to know each other!"


Lord Percival was in hell, he'd heard this could happen but assumed it was an urban myth invented to dissuade swordsmen of his ilk to curtail their wicked ways. Everything had started great but slowly as the weeks past it had got worse.
How could it happen so quickly?
Why do they have to be so angry at him all the time?
He'd been hiding in the man cave part of the TARDIS for 6 days now, any day now it'd be safe to return to the common areas.
When it was safe he was going to contact He-Man and get the hell out of here. All the dangers he'd faced, all the bounty hunters he'd evaded was nothing compared to this torture.






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STEEMLORDS was the insane creation of @sirknight

All STEEMLORDS graphics courtesy of the amazing @bearone

Previous episodes can be found at @tremendospercy

All Images courtesy of Google Images

Thank you for visiting........



ROTFLMAO. Gold Lord Percival, pure gold!

Thanks buddy, I look forward to the Master of the Universe.
I can feel a shagathon coming on!!

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Awww, sad to see it over, but I love He-Man hahahhaaa, woulda been nice to see Catra make an appearance Meaowwwwww

Lord Percy will return. Catra will definately make an appearance.
Thanks for reading babe.

Haha another classic episode my friend!! what a way to go eh?? although I have a sneaky feeling our Lord of lust will escape his current prison cycle and find a way to wind back the hands of time :D Great post as always dude and I'm keeping my finers crossed that this isn't the last we'll hear of Lord Percival!!

Thanks for the great comment buddy. You haven't heard the last of Lord Percival however he may look different in the Masters of the Universe.

Hahaha this was really funny, I always remember when my dad said no one can resists having 2 or more girls is impossible males are not designed to resist :P

That's true. 😉
Thanks for reading buddy, I glad you enjoyed it.

As always really good posts and really fun to read :]

The End of Lord Percival... When Cycles Sync!

I know buddy. A harsh punishment.

Perfect ending!! Nicely done😂

Thanks man. Lord Percival return in Masters of the Universe!

LOL This is pure awesomeness!

Thanks babe. A tricky situation for Lord Percy but one I'm sure he'll get past in the next series of stories.
Thanks for reading babe.

Hilarious. Love the ending.

Although I thought Princess Loki died?

I thought Sir Knight had brought everyone back? Besides I have a time machine so let's say I used that in an unwritten chapter.
Chooxena was an animal by the way, but a gentlemen never reveals such things!

Oh, maybe he did yes.

Lol. Good to know.

Brilliantly done good Sir

Thanks buddy. The fate of Sir Muxxy is in the balance, I'll have to go and save him for the Masters of the Universe challenge.


always worried about Prince Adam

Why.. why did I know that was how it was going to end.. D:

I fear for the poor mans life.


All joking aside, that happened to me in real life when I was first living in Sydney.
I lived in a flat with 4 girls 2 Canadian and 2 English. I had to disappear to a mates place every 4 weeks as I was the target of a lot of hate. Scary shit dude.

I lived with 5 girls at one point.


no, no it was not.

I still live in fear of those 3-4 days each month.

Exactly dude, starts out good ends badly.
I stayed friends with all of them though, I just love women!

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