Life on Steemit: My Story - Episode 1

in #steemlife3 years ago (edited)

It's been 11 days now (roughly) since I joined Steemit so here's my story and a few thoughts on my life here so far.

After Facebook got irritating beyond belief, and I realised that:
a) I didn't like anything that was being posted
b) I was unhappy when I opened it
c) It made my life miserable.

So I decided to delete my account. Expecting a sense of loss that never came.

But I enjoy writing and have an opinion, especially on Fantasy Football so when a client of mine (I make websites and mobile apps for people) mentioned Steemit and that you could get paid to do this, I rubbed my hands at the prospect, so I signed up.

With anything new, it took me a little while to find my feet but just started posting, hoping that the community would be patient. And it was.

I found some communities that shared my passions and created another which didn't. I had to be patient, wondering how long it takes to earn 0.220 Steem Power but that forced me to leave my computer and have a real life.

So what have I noticed so far?

  1. You get upvotes from people who don't read what you've written - I find this strange. I'll no doubt have 5 upvotes after 5 minutes (they wait 5 minutes to maximise curation awards). EDIT: Thanks for proving me wrong superbots!
  2. Very few people comment - It's a community where people read and vote but rarely comment. Communities are built upon dialogue so I see this as a hinderance to growth but that's the way it is. I'll comment. A lot it would seem.
  3. A lot of people are lazy - Whether they're lazy in life or just on Steemit, I don't know. When I have an original idea that I share, upvotes follow. As do the piggyback posts trying to mimic what I've done. I don't like it, it's a form of plagiarism, especially when there's no credit to the original author. But it's a harder form of plagiarism to identify than the obvious copy and pasting which Steemit's fighting to stamp out.
  4. There are some really decent people here - Not much more to add. I've found a few and am searching for more!
  5. It's all about the money, money, money - I'm here because I need an escape from life as a full time dad, the money's a bonus (a nice bonus). Many are here for the money and it's reflected in what they post and point 3 above. If you want to get people to read what you're doing, create a contest and give away some steem. They come-a-flocking.
  6. Linked to 5, steemcurators get tagged. A lot. "Oh, Mr steemcurator01, you are wonderful and I send you my endless thanks". Literally hundreds per day. They should just write "Hey steemcurator, upvote me because I want the dollars".

That's enough for now. I've rambled too much and have my real life, and a real toddler to get back to.



Sound observations...


Ha ha - Thanks for taking the time to comment!

I deliberately didn't tag you having seen soooooooooo many posts saying "special thanks to..." and then a long list of accounts with high power.

Haha.. That was very straightforward yet amusing.

Thanks, it's nice to get a few new replies 🙂 From a computer scientist no less. Which programming languages?

I used to like Java. Not pursuing the career anymore.
What about your drawings? I have bought a sketch book too yesterday. Not that I'm good at it but really want to try my hand in Art. Lol

Ha ha. You'll have to wait and see. The only request is for something "minimal". So I might draw a seed.

Haha. That could be a good start.

Very very accurate 😂

TBH, I also thanked steemcurators to get their attention like other's few "how and why" they got upvote posts. But didn't work. haha . Then did no more.

My few random thoughts #2 , if you are interested Thoughts

Anyways good points. Expecting more of these 😊

Just read it and I think there's a clear reason for the zero engagement and it's linked to points 2, 3 and 5 above.

I see accounts which enter contests and nothing else. Lots of accounts that do this. So these accounts won't be reading other entries and won't be commenting on them, because that requires extra effort. So there won't be any upvotes or comments. As the platform grows in number, the number of people who do this will also increase, further reducing the chances of winning these contests. Which will probably reduce the number of entrants and increase the chances of winning again. Almost akin to a bit of Darwinism.

There was a study here in the UK which showed that the harder a competition is to win, the more likely you are to win it.

I'd like to see a lot more upvotes on comments, rather than on the original article - it's the people who comment that are the real value to the community as it shows they're engaging and not writing any old crap because somebody else did it well.

Yes... Steemit needs to do some work to improve things around here. When you see the same people getting $300 day after day on the Trending page and other incredible work getting zero it makes you wonder ....

How does this place work ?


True.. I also had the same feeling but Chinese & south Korean community seems quite large and they are doing well to support each other I guess.

Thank You for sharing Your insights...

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