Gridcoin - Weekly project earnings update (wk47)

The information is extracted from the Gridcoin Network Oracle, BOINCStats and CoinMarketCap based on which the earnings in GRC and USD are calculated for systems with a RAC of 1000. Further details can be found below in the definitions section.
Project whitelist status update
Last week GPUGRID has been greylisted. This means you can now earn Gridcoin (GRC) crunching 18 BOINC projects.
Individual project developments
The tables below contain four indicators, presenting the project development over a period of one week, one month, three months and one year.

Gridcoin project charts
The charts below provide the longer-term trends for the active users and whitelisted projects.

- Gridcoin Network RAC = The total RAC of all systems on the Gridcoin network for the project.
- Gridcoion Network RAC vs Overall RAC % = The proportion of RAC the Gridcoin network has contributed as part of the overall RAC for the project.
- GRC per 1k system RAC = The amount of GRC you will receive for a system per 1000 RAC. Example: You have a system which is running Rosetta@home with a RAC of 3500. According to the chart on 30-Sep, you should gain 3.5 x 0.44 GRC = 1.54 GRC per day for this system.
- USD per 1k system RAC = The amount of USD you will receive for a system per 1000 RAC. Example: You have a system which is running Cosmology@home with a RAC of 4700. According to the chart on 30-Sep, you should gain 4.7 x $0.00284= $0.013 per day for this system.

Image source: (1) Header image with Gridcoin logo by @parejan, (2) Gridcoin logo, (3) BOINC logo, (4) all charts and tables by @parejan unless otherwise specified
Thanks @parejan. I like that we are using the term Gridcoin Network Oracle rather than Scraper. GPUGrid has had a WAS of > 0.1 for the last two days, so I am returning it to the whitelist.
Thanks for the update @jamescowens. In next weeks's update I'll add GPUGrid back again.