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RE: Curator (Investor?) Cat On Steemleo: The Value of Investing in OURSELVES!

in #steemleo5 years ago

Thanks for the nice comment!

For the most part, investing tends to be a "zero-sum game," meaning that when you buy an investment at, let's say $100, someone is selling that investment at $100. In cryptos, we have this new thing called "airdrops," but the vast majority of those seem to serve little more purpose than to generate publicity, and then everyone treats whatever they got as "free money" which then drives the the price down.

You look at something like Steem and the price is terminally under pressure because the vast majority of people here see only a chance to "make some cash," not a chance to hold an asset in the long run. In its original configuration, Steem had a much more long term vision; once you powered up it took TWO YEARS to power back down... which created a lot of solid long term investment. When they change the power-down period to 13 weeks, it was — in some ways — "the beginning of the end."

That said, I am still hopeful for the future of this place... MOSTLY because the underlying premise — building social communities on the blockchain — remains sound and relevant. AND, we happen to be doing that on one of the fastest and least expensive blockchains in existence. The markets may be fickle, but the fundamentals remain in place.



I am not a Steem fan...but reading and finding so many of you doing their bit supporting Steem is inspiring. This makes me come back and support Steem by reading posts, and liking good and interesting content. Let's see, I too will be active here once a while posting good content and reading and commenting as well. It would be great if Steem does great in the space it is designed for, for blockchain's sake.

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