Update #58: Writing Expedition ✍️ Have Fun While Writing || Write On Tuesday Drawing

in #steemkidsnparents4 months ago


Materials Nedeed For Drawing A Peacock.

• A4 Paper.
• Pencil.
• Eraser.
• Sharpener.
• Rule.
• crayon

Show Us Your Skills And Be Creative.

Below are the steps in drawing a peacock ;


  • Step1: Firstly I started by sketching the beak followed by the head eyes down to the neck and body.


  • Step2: Then the legs, crown on its head and the crest feathers that actually makes them look beautiful.


  • Step3: lastly I started by decorating the feathers with blue, yellow and green crayon that finally turned out to look beautiful.

Describe A Peacock.

Peacocks as usually decribed as a majestic, confident and proud bird because of it’s beauty. They are known for thief colorful nature and vibrancies displaying their feathers in an impressive fan-like to attract peoples attention and mates.

They are quite loud emitting attention to show-off their presence. This creature are shiny in blue and green shades spreading out their feathers like an umbrella. They are over all, seen as a majestic, bold, confident, proud and flamboyant bird reflecting their stunning appearances.

What Are The Characteristics Of A Peacock?

Here are some of the characteristics of s peacock which includes;

•The Body: Peacock are one of the largest attractive flying birds in the world. It has relatively long blue colored neck.their bodies clock 130-90cm.

• Tail: This is one of the interesting and fascinating features feature that makes a peacock extravagantly goergeommmmmm gorgeous. The green, yellow and blue colors in peacock fan tail and it’s shows the light that shines through the feather

• Head: Notably the head, neck and chest of a peacock are descent in blue also there are also which patches around their eyes.

What Can We Learn From The Lifestyle Of A Paecock?

It really sounds funny and weird to say they we can actually learn from the life style of a peacock below are the following lessons;

✅ Friendly: Peacocks are friendly bird they hate being alone despite their friendliness they are capable of fighting off, caputuring, defending and protecting themselves from vulnerable attacks.

✅ Attractive: They teach us on how to look attractive in any kind of situation we may find ourselves.

✅ Self-assured: They naturally own their own splendor with no apologies. They how unique, special and beautiful they are yes they know because they are confident, bold, calm and also walk with a sense of royalty and pride.

✅ Colorful: Peacock are attractively colorful. Their life isn’t black and white that means we should live our life to the fullest and be happy with all shades of life may bring.

✅ Attentive: They pay clear attention to what is going on around them they are very alert and visible for a longer time. So this teaches us to be attentive and alert in any area of our lives.

✅ Melody: Their vocal voice are so melodious that teaches us on how to speak, interact calmly and polite to each other.

✅ Organized: Peacocks are equipped and organized they usually keep themselves appropriate by maintaining their feathers clean. So this teaches us on how to keep ourselves neat, clean and well organized.

Have You Seen One Before? If Yes Where?

Yes, I have seen a peacock before but that was when I was in primary school where we went for an excursion in a zoo it was a day to remember. I saw peacock as it spread out it’s feathers and move around as we praise them. They are very cool, calm, beautiful and nice creature.

Are They Dangerous To Man? Tell Us Their Bad Effects To Man.

It actually depends (as we humans) just like if you are sitting quietly and a calm person comes and talks to you in a polite way you will reply back in a polite manner but if you are rude person comes up with a rude attitude you also reply in that manner. This is just the same with peacocks if peacock feels you are hurting them? They would definitely try hurt your and if you approach them in a gentle and lovingly way they’d be nice to you but don’t just harm, hurt or scare them in anyway.


Peacocks are renowned of their exquisite beauty with their gorgeous, cute, gleaming feathers which waves in variety of colors.they can a be beautiful and attractive position to our environment.

Thanks for reading and I would gladly welcome your feedbacks and comments.


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Yeah thank you

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