Cnn Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo want to shame the unvaccinated. What idiots! Political Cartoon

in #steemjs3 years ago
![]() Don Lemon Chris Cuomo Political Cartoon ![]() ![]()

CNN’s Don Lemon, Chris Cuomo Want to Shame the Unvaccinated. What Idiots!

Fake News Cnn came out and said that people should start shaming the unvaccinated. Don Lemon’s eight viewers now are going to harass the healthy in public. They are inciting violence. Cnn is permitting to assault ordinary people who have nothing wrong with them.

“He put his own body, his health, his own children’s health at risk,” Cuomo said of the father, who did not vaccinate, “Now he can pay for it, either in this country or overseas.” So that guy, because he chose not to vaccinate his child, everything to him, now he has to pay for it? Yeah sure. That makes sense. “Why does he not do what other parents do and vaccinate?” Cuomo asked. “This is a very complicated issue. You’re right. I’ve seen all sides to this debate. And let’s be honest here, not all vaccines are created equal,” Cuomo said. “So if you’re not up to date on all the information, then you have to weigh the risk. The risk of your child getting that disease, even if it is a questionable disease.” “We’re living in a complicated world, it’s a hard choice, and a lot of parents make this choice,” Cuomo said.

Also, are you Allergic to vaccines? Too bad. Get hit with chemtrails in your blood. Why not be vaccinated against medicine? It only harms you. They say these vaccines are now suitable for you—free money and donuts. You cannot live without them. You cannot survive with or without the injection. I have done fine until now. I never got sick, never went to the hospital. I never spread a thing. Do you believe no one has immunity to everything? Go live in a cave and never leave. Become sterile. Live like the boy in a bubble: more propaganda, more lies. Unpopular opinions made famous on CNN.

Look at these morons calling in. Let’s start with Don Lemon. He thinks it is alright to harass the unvaccinated. All I can say is: “you, dumb bitch, ain’t shit!” Why Don Lemon has the time to respond to whining wimps like Biden is beyond me. CNN doesn’t realize this is pathetic. CNN wants their audience to hate the unvaccinated? They have just helped spark more harassment outbreaks. Maybe they should blame themselves. The National Vaccine Information Center has posted on their Facebook page: “Is CNN calling for a witch hunt to condemn healthy families with medically-vaccinated children and employees who have not been vaccinated for whatever reason?” Truly out of control. CNN has become a “fake news” source.

I wrote three articles on Fiverr.


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