Steemjet || Sore Throat - Symptoms and How To Overcome It

in #steemjet6 years ago (edited)

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Sore Throat

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A sore throat, or so-called sore throat, is a term that refers to a group of disorders that occur in the area of the throat, esophagus, tonsils, and also the breath valve.

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This condition can be caused by various things, such as allergies, irritations, other conditions effects, drug side effects, and most commonly, bacterial or viral infections.

Sore throat can be contagious and cause prolonged discomfort, so it is important to be aware of the signs and address them as early as possible.

Signs and Symptoms of Sore Throat

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The signs and symptoms of sore throat vary depending on the underlying cause, and can occur only in the throat area or throughout the body.

Some common symptoms that occur in the throat may include:

  • Burning / itching in the throat
  • Pain / difficulty swallowing or talking
  • Cough
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Swelling of the tonsils or glands in the neck
  • Hoarseness

Common symptoms of strep throat experienced by the body as a whole may include:

  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Lethargy

Solutions and How to Cope with Sore Throat

There are plenty of prescription and free medicines for treating strep throat, but most people choose to treat themselves with natural remedies.

Here is a home-based solution that you can try to relieve your sore throat:


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Honey contains antibacterial compounds that can help relieve strep throat due to infection. Honey is also known to relieve cough and accelerate the healing process of sore throat. You can consume honey separately or add it to enough tea or apple cider vinegar.

However, do not give honey to children under 1 year of age because these foods sometimes contain botulism spores and early childhoods do not have healthy bacteria in the digestive system that can fight the germs.
In addition, avoid honey if you are on a low-carb diet because honey contains 17 grams of carbohydrate per 15 ml (per tablespoon).

Salt water

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It is common knowledge that gargling with salt water (warm) can reduce sore throat. Salt is known to help thin the sputum, reduce swelling, and help kill bacteria in the throat.

Mix one teaspoon of salt into a glass full of warm water and gargle every 3 hours to clean your mouth and throat.

Remember not to swallow this salt solution, and do not use too much salt. This can make the sensitive throat tissue much drier and prone to infection.

Warm water

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The simplest way to deal with strep throat is to drink plenty of warm water. Keeping the body well hydrated is the key to making body functions work properly and relieving the throat naturally.

While it may be difficult for you to swallow, try to drink at least 0.2 liters of warm water every two hours. If you are quick to bloat or feel nauseated from drinking lots of water, add a little honey, ginger, or lemon to your warm water glass.


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There are several tea herbs that are known to relieve sore throats, such as:

  • Chamomile tea
    Has long been used for medicinal purposes thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. By drinking chamomile tea, your immune system will be stimulated to fight infections that cause sore throat.

  • Peppermint tea
    Has anti-inflammatory properties that can greatly help relieve strep throat. Peppermint contains menthol that can thin the mucus on cough with phlegm and the cool effect of itching on dry cough.

  • The famous ginger tea
    Can reduce nausea and stomach pain, but this warm drink can also help relieve sore throat. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory content in ginger is very useful in reducing swelling and pain or itching in the throat.


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Apparently there is a scientific explanation why chicken soup into a mainstay of the mothers for their sick children. According to researchers at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, amino acids produced from the process of making chicken broth can reduce inflammation in the respiratory system.

In addition, the original broth contains essential minerals in a form that is easily absorbed by the body and can help hydrate and boost the immune system. You can eat bone soup (oxtail soup) or chicken soup to reduce the symptoms of sore throat, runny nose, and lethargy.


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Contains natural antibacterial compounds, ie allicin, garlic can support the immune system in fighting infection. Sucking or chewing white is one of the traditional remedies grandmothers are believed to prevent colds, relieve sore throat, and improve overall fitness.

Although the flavor of raw garlic is very strong, the consumption of garlic mashed to relieve itching due to sore throat, and add garlic into your daily diet to maintain endurance.

Apple vinegar

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As one of the best natural remedies that have long been used to treat various types of conditions, apple vinegar will not disappoint you in its effect on sore throat.

Apple vinegar is rich in antibacterial compounds, especially acetic acid, which has been shown to be effective against infections and stop the spread of bacteria. Apple vinegar can thin the mucus in the throat and accelerate the healing process of sore throat.

You can mix a tablespoon of apple vinegar into a glass of warm water to rinse or drink. Add honey to relieve the sharp taste, and consult your doctor first if you are sensitive to vinegar.

How to Treat Sore Throat in Infants and Children

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If infants and children have health problems, the wisest step is to call your pediatrician before giving any medication. The best thing you can do is keep your child hydrated by giving him warm water in sufficient quantities but often, to avoid bloating. Avoid giving him sugary or sour drinks, like orange juice.

Do not give honey to children under 1 year of age, and do not give cough relief medicine to children under 5 years old.

You can use an air humidifier in your child's room to help him breathe easier. Humid air can help keep the throat dry and reduce swelling. Compressing a child with a warm compress around his neck can soothe swollen glands and relieve pain from a sore throat.

When to Contact a Doctor ?

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If your sore throat does not get better or worse even if you have treated yourself either with natural or over-the-counter remedies, consult your doctor for the right medical advice.

Call your doctor immediately if sore throat persists for more than one week, or fhe following occur:

  • Fever above 38.3 ° C

  • Severe sore throat without much cough

  • Severe sore throat accompanied by headache, abdominal pain, or vomiting

  • Saliva keeps dripping

  • Dehydration (dry mouth, decreased amount of urine, sunken eyes, very weak)

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Thus explanation about Sore Throat - Symptoms and How To Overcome It
Hopefully useful for steemjetters wherever located


Thanks @gumegxgolgom



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